One Cubic Centimeter is 0.06102374 Cubic Inches, and One cubic inch is 16.38706 cubic centimeters. So, 5500 x 0.06102374 =335.6306 5500 Cubic centimeters = 335.6306 Cubic Inches. 350 Cubic Inches x 16.38706 = 5735.471 Cubic centimeters. SO, 350 Cubic Inches is bigger than 5500 cubic Centimeters.
If you are comparing 350 cubic inches to 5500 cubic centimeters then yes, the 350 converts to 5735, which is bigger than 5500.
5500cc is 335.6 cubic inches.
Convert 350 cubic inches to cubic centimeters and compare to 5,500. Convert 5,500 cubic centimeters to cubic inches and compare to 350.
350 cubic inches
200 - 270 235 256
200 - 270 235 256