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Positive is normally taken to be bigger.

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Q: Which is bigger negative or positive?
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Positive plus negative is equal to?

Negative answer if the negative number is bigger. Positive answer if the positive number is bigger.

A negative plus a positive?

If the negative number is bigger, you get a negative number as an answer. If the positive number is bigger, you get a positive number as an answer.

What is negative subtracted by a positive?

The Answer could be neither positive nor negative because the positivve could be bigger than the negative or the neagative could be bigger than the positive

Negative number plus a positive?

If the negative number is bigger then the sum would be negative.If the positive number is bigger then the sum is positive.

If you add a positive and a negative number how can you tell whether the answer will be positive negative or equal?

If the negative number is bigger then the answer will be negative If the bigger number is positive then the answer will be positive. All you do is subtract the two numbers and take the sign of the bigger number Ex (+2)+(-7)=(-5)

When you add a positive and a negative what does it become?

the answer could be negative or positive depending on whether the negative number you're adding is bigger than the positive number

What is a negative multiplied by a negative?

negative*negative=positive negative/positive=negative negative\negative=positve negative-positive=change the sign to a plus and then change the number after the sign and get your answer negative +positive=which ever numbr is bigger minus positive+positive=positive

Are negative numbers bigger or positive?

Positive numbers are larger than negative ones.

What is bigger negative 9 or positive 6?

positive 6

Are negative number bigger that positive number?

No, they are not.

What is a positive minus a positive?

It depends. (a) a positive minus a smaller positive is positive, (b) a positive minus a positive of the same size is zero, and (c) a positive minus a bigger positive is negative. For example, (a) 8 - 6 = 2 (b) 8 - 8 = 0 (c) 8 - 11 = -3

Is positive two bigger or smaller or the same as negative eight?
