The country code and area code of Driffield, United Kingdom is 44, (0)1377.
If you want to know how many schools were closed on a day that has been a while back, yoi could look in the local papers of that time to find out the schools that were closed in your area. If you want to know what schools were closed in another area,. you would need to look in newspapers from the area the schools are in.
To find out how many schools were closed a previous week, you could look in that week's newspapers for schools that were closed in your area.
Driffield's population is 11,477.
For latest emergency school closings, tune in to the BBC or visit the Directgov web site, where you can get the latest closings for your area by typing in your post code.
Driffield School was created in 1965.
RAF Driffield was created in 1918.
It is impossible to say how many schools would be closed. It would depend on how large of an area was effected by the blizzard, but one can assume that all schools in the path of the blizzard would be closed.
If you want to know what schools were closed on a certain day, you will need to check local or area newspapers.
To find out how many schools have closed in the past two months in your area, you can look in local newspapers to research when schools were cliosed. You may also be able to get that information by asking staff at the main office of each school district you are interested in knowing when they were closed.
Most public schools do not have a week that they are closed in February. Schools in a certain region may not have had school for something special that was happening in that particular area.
It depends on the area the schools are in. You can check local newspapers or ask the officials of the schools you are interested in.