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There are many advantages of setting high standards for ones own work. One advantage is that the individual develops a good work ethic.

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Q: Why is it important to set high standards for your work and how are these standards set?
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Why is it important to set high standards for your work and how to set these standards?

It is important to set high standards for my work because then it will help me to do the best i can and help me get recognised at work in a positive way. When high standards are set, it can always be a challenge and would make me want to achieve it and i will then become better and better at what i do and will see myself improving in time. I would set these standards by talking to my line manager and asking what i could do to improve the work i do. Becuase my manager would then tell me what im already doing good and what needs to be completed to a higher standard.

Set yourself high standards at work?

When you establish high standards for yourself at work you can easily be promoted. Your manager will see and appreciate your work ethic.

Why is it important to set high standards for your work?

Man, iv'e heard that before by my boss! I am an apprentice chef and i have learnt to set very high standards for myself and my boss. It is extremely important to set high standards for yourself at work because you will always have something to chase therefor i time you will become better and better and you will see yourself improving.

What are the ways of setting high standards for work?

To set high standards for personal work, a person should set forth goals. These goals can be things such as writing papers early, getting good grades, applying to colleges, or anything else.

What are the ways of setting high standards for own work?

To set high standards for personal work, a person should set forth goals. These goals can be things such as writing papers early, getting good grades, applying to colleges, or anything else.

How do you set high standards of work?

You can set high standards of work by working harder and better than others. Set examples for your supervisors or bosses to quote and be someone to look up to for your colleagues. Avoid being haughty or complacent. Always be willing to help. Create an amicable work environment for the betterment of yourself and those working with/around you.

Who set the standards for workplace competency?

who sets the standards for work place competency

How high is one skyscraper?

There are no standards set for the height of a skyscraper.

How protocols work?

Protocols are set of standards that help programmers/designers/administrators to have common set of standards for Computing & Network Devices.

Why do software developer seek ISO 9000 certification?

Because ISO 9000 is the set of standards relating to quality management. Software developers need to be able to work to that standard.Because ISO 9000 is the set of standards relating to quality management. Software developers need to be able to work to that standard.Because ISO 9000 is the set of standards relating to quality management. Software developers need to be able to work to that standard.Because ISO 9000 is the set of standards relating to quality management. Software developers need to be able to work to that standard.Because ISO 9000 is the set of standards relating to quality management. Software developers need to be able to work to that standard.Because ISO 9000 is the set of standards relating to quality management. Software developers need to be able to work to that standard.Because ISO 9000 is the set of standards relating to quality management. Software developers need to be able to work to that standard.Because ISO 9000 is the set of standards relating to quality management. Software developers need to be able to work to that standard.Because ISO 9000 is the set of standards relating to quality management. Software developers need to be able to work to that standard.Because ISO 9000 is the set of standards relating to quality management. Software developers need to be able to work to that standard.Because ISO 9000 is the set of standards relating to quality management. Software developers need to be able to work to that standard.

Describe the type of people you like to work for?

In a job interview, you may be asked to describe the type of people you like to work for. State you like employers who set high yet attainable standards.

Is standard English important?

It is important to have english standards because as with any language or system, standards streamline processes and improve communication. Standards provide mediation (conflict-resolution) a set of rules to abide by, reduce mistakes and miscommunication.