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They believe that people in college should be responsible for there own work and do not believe in helping students out AS MUCH. Also they do not have near the personal relationships with there students as do high school teachers.

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12y ago
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14y ago

Interesting observation. High school teachers really are acting as substitue parents; the most important function of public school is to act as a kind of day care center, to take children off their parents' hands so that the parents are free do their own jobs or house keeping functions. College is different. By that age, people who do not continue their education do not need to be looked after by their parents, they can go out and get jobs and live their own lives. If you go to college it is normally because you are preparing yourself to work in a skilled profession of some kind. Therefore, it actually is similar to being employed, in that you are being trained so that you can be employed.

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13y ago

The classes can be much larger, up to several hundred kids. Also the college material is more complexed/advanced compared to high schools.

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13y ago

College professors are harder than high school teachers because professors want to make you ready for a real job and life, while high school teachers want you to be ready for college

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10y ago

As you can see in xxxmovies,they like teachers in college so they can have someone to sex with

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Q: Why is it that the high school teachers act like your parents but your college teachers act like your employers?
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