The earth, which we live on, is approximately a sphere. It is important, therefore, to know spherical trigonometry.
What is the Important of statistics to Accounting?
real accounting, nominal accounting,personal accounting
Some chemical reactions depend on the shape of molecules and the study of the shape of molecules - requires knowledge of trigonometry.
Trigonometry is important in daily life for many reasons. People use patterns and symmetry in relating to objects around them. For example. trigonometry is used in decorating a home.
maths is important in astronomy algibra and trigonometry
The students and teacher of my trig. class
Accounting theory is the collection of methodologies used in the study and application of the different financial principles. It is important for an accounting student to know it because it is the basis for all future accounting studies.
it is important because accounting allow us to monitor the profit of the business
Explain why it's important to study public sector accounting.
A slide rule is used for multiplication and division and it can also be used for trigonometry. It can also be used in money fields such as accounting.