You can't change a whole number to a decimal. A decimal and a whole number are both numbers. A decimal is just a number lower than a whole number, or a number in between two whole numbers.
i dont knpw
No its not its in NORMAL number form. Do you see a decimal dot? Hmm? Cause i dont
Because if you dont , your answer will be a whole number and that will make your answer wrong
i dont nowok
1 decimal place
The answer will depend on what is wrong with the number.
3 is.
NO!!!! It is a noun indicating a number. The adjective would be 'tenth' or 'decimal'.
i really dont know
dont lose track of what decimal place(dp) u rounding off tounderline the place eg. round off 1.3333333333 to 5p^underline that 1then now take note of the number behind it if its 5 or higher then add 1 to the underlined digit and dont write back the numbers behind the underlined digit in the answer; drop it. if it lower than 5 then just make then digit stay the same and drop the numbers behing itso the ans to my eg would be 1.33334