Five thousand six hundred seventy-eight ten-thousandths.
436,510,210 = four hundred thirty-six million, five hundred ten thousand, two hundred ten.
You don't because Roman numerals represent numbers not words.
The use of words as well as numerals presumably makes it harder to alter a check.
Yes, you can write an equation out in words. This is often done to make clear what the equation in numerals is.
How to write 3.5 million in words
Write the following decimals in words. 0.26 2.0.45 0.58
Written form means you have to write your answer in words, not numerals: ten, not 10.
You just did. The number 0.005 in WORDS is five thousandths.
Roman numerals are a system for writing numbers, not words. the Roman numeral for 4 is IV.