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Bring up your grades.

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Q: Your parents have grounded you for the rest of the school quarter for one C. Does anybody know a way to get ungrounded from this?
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What traits will a baby horse have if both parents are quarter horses?

It really depends... If both parents were pure quarter horses then it will have quarter horse traits. It one parent was trotter/quarter horse, it may show trotting characteristics. In other words if one or both parents were not pure quarter horses, the baby can have characteristics from any species of its parents... probably mostly quarter horse though.

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Twenty-five cents from anybody. Possibly more from a dealer or collector, depending on the condition of the coin.

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All depends on the horsepower and the traction you get, should run in the 13's.

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There are no longer white limitations, the horse just needs to be produced by two registered Quarter Horse parents.

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What should you do if you are grounded and you are dying to hang out with your friends?

Although it may not seem fair to you now that you're being grounded for a good reason, your parents are doing this to teach you that once out in the real world there are rules to follow. I know I never liked being grounded when I did something wrong, but later in life I was glad my parents were on the strict side. Parents that allow their kids to do as they please is a sure fire way to make the kids feel they are not loved or feel secure. Parents aren't suppose to be their kid's best buddies, but their parents and they are suppose to teach their kids they have to be responsible for their own actions. Your parents love you enough to do this (you may think they're just being plain mean) but they care about your safety and would be a terrible loss if anything should happen to you. Whether you like it or not they know a lot more about the world out there than you do. When you have kids of your own that statement will make sense and you'll be no different in dealing with your own children.You did wrong, you were grounded so learn from it (don't do it again) and deal with it!AnswerYou blew it. Suck it up and finish your punishment - you'll be able to connect with your friends anytime. If you can't stand it, you might wish to speak with your parents/guardians about your punishment and ask if you can get a "reduction in your sentence due to good behavior." It's worth a shot!Now, behave yourself!AnswerI'm actually in the middle of a grounding too. I got one C on my report card and they've grounded me for the whole second quarter. I can't hang with friends either, but when your parents aren't home, you can always go on aim. or something. Possibly sneak to there houses. I didn't try yet, but if you succeed, tell me because I'm listening. AnswerUnless you wanted to be grounded longer then try the above as the poster suggested. You did wrong, you are paying the consequences. This happens in real life so get use to it. Pay your dues and hopefully you've learned something from it and move on. You aren't the first nor will you be the last to ever be grounded. Be thankful you have parents who care about your welfare! Best idea yet!Well first you must nag the life out of your parents until they (a) give into you or (b) send you to your room or (c) don't say a word. If they do (a) then congrats you've done it if they did (b) or (c) act like an angel and hoover your room and make your parents either (a) crackers and cheese (b) a cheese and salad wrap or (c) a fruit salad with low fat cream. the way to get out of being grounded !how ever long your grounded for this is the way to get out of it ; the night after you got grounded ask your mum if you can just quickly pop down the shops (baby steps) if she says no then say i will get you something please i need to mum please please please if she says (a) no your grounded deal with it ,, then say to her but mum that is so out please please can i quickly go!!! then she should let you or (B) fine quickly just hurry up ,, then say cheers mum ill be as quick as i can . then keep doing that but make it longer trips like the park, you mates, and stuff like that soon she will forget and you will be let free! What do you do when you are grounded?Well if you happen to have messenger you can chat to your friends online!! Its great fun and you can look forward to when your grounding is over. Im in the middle of grounding at the moment and trust me, its the worst punishment you can get. But if you are good for the rest of the time, there' a 90% chance that your parents will take a few weeks off your grounding!!!

What is the difference between an Appendix Quarter Horse and Quarter Horse?

A quarter horse is one that is registered with the American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA) or other similar registries (Australian Quarter Horse Association, for example), as having two registered quarter horse parents. The AQHA recognizes the offsrping of a quarter horse and a Thoroughbred (registered with the Jockey Club) by registering them in their "Appendix" registry. A foal born as a result of the mating of a quarter horse and a thoroughbred is referred to as an "appendix" or an "appendix quarter horse." An appendix quarter horse can attain regular registry status by earning 10 or more points in AQHA shows and races.

What is Frank Zappa's parents Birth place?

Frank Zappa's parents were Francis Zappa, who was of Greek-Arab descent, and Rose Marie Colimore, who was three-quarters Italian and one-quarter French.

How big can an American Quarter Horse get?

The general height for American quarter horses is 14-16 hands. This varies on lineage and the style of quarter horse. The stock quarter horses are generally shorter. Where the running quarter horse is built lighter and taller, more along the lines of a thoroughbred.

Can you get a cremello foal with a paint mare and bay quarter horse?

No. There may be a VERY minute chance depending on the genes of the parents, but most likely, no.

How can you register a quarter horse filly without mothers registration?

A purebred Quarter Horse filly must be the product of two registered parents. The dam owner must be the holder/owner of the dam's registration papers for the foal to be registered as a purebred to that dam.