There is great importance in having a broad base of knowledge. Having this knowledge can help you adapt to changing environments more quickly and efficiently.
Having a broad base of knowledge helps individuals to understand complex issues from various perspectives, make connections between different subjects, and think critically. It also enables them to adapt to different situations, communicate effectively with people from diverse backgrounds, and continue learning and growing throughout their lives. A broad base of knowledge can also lead to more creativity and innovation by drawing on different fields for inspiration.
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Humanists believed that education should focus on developing a well-rounded individual with a broad knowledge base in various subjects, including literature, history, art, and philosophy. They emphasized critical thinking, reasoning, and intellectual curiosity as important elements of education. Humanists also promoted the idea of using education to improve society and promote individual virtue and moral character.
This quote emphasizes the importance of mutual learning and sharing knowledge. It suggests that we should both learn from the experiences and knowledge of others, as well as pass on our own knowledge to benefit the collective growth and development of society. It highlights the idea of a continuous cycle of learning and teaching among individuals and communities.
Learning something means acquiring new knowledge or skills, and being able to understand and apply that information in various contexts. It involves engaging with the material, processing it, and integrating it into one's existing knowledge base.
"What is an Educated Filipino" was an essay by Francisco Benitez that emphasized the importance of education in shaping the individual and society. It discussed the qualities and characteristics that define an educated Filipino, focusing on a broad understanding of knowledge, critical thinking, civic responsibility, and a commitment to national development. Benitez argued that education should not only be seen as an end in itself but also as a means to cultivate a well-rounded individual who contributes to the betterment of the country.
Broad, vast, comprehensive, detailed knowledge and understanding
Broad types of literature, music or other broad body of knowledge.
Grok - Knowledge Base - was created in 1997.
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What is the Knowledge Engineering? Point out different Activities of Knowledge Engineering to develop a Knowledge base System
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Knowledge is power!
Knowledge is something you know. Knowledge base is where you go to get the answers to things you do not know. Like a dictionary, a support link on a computer.
importance of knowledge in expert system:1.knoledge is the enqure part of the expert system . 2.allow easy modification adding and deleting skill from the knowledge base.3.easy modification of the knowledge base is a major factor in producing a successfull programe in expert system.4.knowledge engineering must address a range of problem.5.through a knowledge we create one part without effecting the other.6.user knowledge specific to to a problem domain to provide "exper quality"performance in that application area.