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Trap primer is connected to domestic cold water line close to a fixture. Trap primer water line runs to a DWV trap made for trap primer usage.

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2mo ago

A trap primer line is typically connected to the domestic cold water line, not the DWV system. Its purpose is to prevent evaporation of water in floor drains or traps by periodically supplying small amounts of water. In some cases, local Plumbing codes may dictate specific requirements for trap primers.

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Q: Is a trap primer line where it is connected to the waste line part of the DWV system or could it be a by code domestic cold water line?
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The alliance system had both positive and negative consequences. On the positive side, alliances could provide security and mutual defense for member nations. However, they also increased the likelihood of conflict by creating a complex web of obligations that could drag multiple countries into a war. Ultimately, the alliance system contributed to the escalation of World War I.

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Could DNA be amplified with only one primer?

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