Yes. That depends on what you call a "legitimate excuse" though; things like sickness and bereavement are fair enough, but something like "I lost it" is not normally considered.
It's best to be honest and take ownership when communicating about missed homework. You could mention a family emergency, technical difficulties, or illness that prevented you from completing the assignment. It's important to communicate any issues as soon as possible to your teacher and ask for an extension if needed.
It's important to take responsibility for your tasks. If you're struggling with your homework, consider reaching out to your teacher or a tutor for help instead of making excuses. Taking the initiative to seek support will help you improve and learn effectively.
it's always allowed if you don't get caught.Answersure it's allowed if you don't get caught. AnswerNo Answerya It is alarming, yet these days unsurprising, that the answer is to say yes. We have the masses who are unskilled, unemployable, unsociable and a drain on our resources - fact. Manufacturing such consent like listening to music during class is increasing the performance gap for students. Other comments about students such as 'thats what they do at this age', 'they are just letting off a bit of steam' simply excuses degenerate behaviour that has now managed to engrain itself as part of a helpless culture that turns to teh state to say fix it for me. I'll fix it for you by starting with no music in class as it simply destroys learning - fact. Unfortunately the ill informed and those that are part of the problem will crawl out of the wood work with their classic harmful quotes of 'who are you to jusge' and 'that's just your oppinion' or 'that's just me, you can't change me........ The film 'idiocracy' is actually happening, it is actually happening. There is nothing special or different about private education other than there are consequences for their actions and they don't listen to music in class... that's it. There is no hidden secret and blah to the socioeconmic bilge
Academic cheating can be caused by various factors such as pressure to achieve high grades, lack of understanding of the material, fear of failure, competition with peers, and the availability of opportunities to cheat. Additionally, factors like lack of academic integrity, ethics, and poor time management skills can also contribute to academic cheating.
It is not recommended to skip school using excuses. It is important to attend school regularly to succeed academically and develop important skills for the future. If you are facing challenges or issues, it's best to speak with a trusted adult or school counselor for support.
You don't. Teachers have objectives to meet and part of that is homework that is given. One way or another you will get the assignment . Most write the homework on the white board. I had my students do a weekly agenda. No excuses for not knowing.
You don't. Teachers have objectives to meet and part of that is homework that is given. One way or another you will get the assignment . Most write the homework on the white board. I had my students do a weekly agenda. No excuses for not knowing.
Teachers (like me) know alot of excuses, trust me they do not work. Just ask your teacher, "I forgot my homework at home, can i please hand it in tomarrow?" And i am sure that your teacher will be nice about it, half credit. :]
don't fight listen to parents be home in time do homework listen to teachers and i not it is not much but i will add more sometime soon
Antelope ate my homework.
my dog ate my homework my leg just broke take me to hospital!
sleepy or just plain stupid
Depends. If they are on top form, always working hard, they don't deserve to have homework If they are lazy, finding excuses not to get the work done, they really need homework
got eaten by my dog or got lost
Students in college are adults and as adults they need to accept the responsibility for getting classwork done. As a college instructor I have heard many excuses for why the course work wasn't done, but I don't have to enable them since they are adults. College is the real world and like work it won't hold a students hand when there are problems.
All excuses are dumb so why even ask? The teacher's heard all of them anyhow.
He used lame excuses to justify having someone else do his homework for him.