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Moving average is best used when checking out your weight on a daily basis. Simply calculate the average on an everyday basis to find out the fittest or the fattest of you. We were also trying to find answers to this very question and fyi my name is A payam

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2mo ago

Advantages of moving average method include simplicity, easy implementation, and ability to smooth out short-term fluctuations in data. Disadvantages include potential lag in forecasting, inability to capture sudden changes in data patterns, and reliance on historical data which may not always reflect future trends accurately.

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Q: What are the advantages and disadvantages of moving average method?
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Who was originated Deductive-Inductive method?

The Deductive-Inductive method originated with Aristotle, an ancient Greek philosopher who is considered one of the founders of Western philosophy. Aristotle developed this method as a way to systematically approach knowledge and reasoning by starting from general principles (deduction) and moving towards specific observations (induction).

What is difference between inductive theory and deductive theory?

Inductive theory involves forming general principles based on specific observations, moving from specific instances to broader conclusions. Deductive theory involves applying general principles to specific situations, moving from general concepts to specific predictions or explanations. Essentially, inductive reasoning builds from observation to theory, while deductive reasoning applies theory to specific situations.

What is an explainationof deductive method?

Deductive teaching is a more traditional form of teaching. In deductive teaching you typically provide information (lecture), share specific examples of the concept or skill being taught, then, allow students to practice the skill being taught. This is a more teacher-centered model of teaching that is rule driven. Some of the positives of this method are that it is time saving and gets to the point of the lesson easily. Inductive teaching is a constructivist model of teaching that is more student-centered. In inductive teaching first provide examples, then have students practice and figure out the rule themselves. This method of teaching is more experiential and based on a guided discovery learning philosophy.

Uniform circular motion deals with objects moving with what speed in a circular path?

When an object is moving in a uniform circular motion while traveling in a circular path, this means it has a constant speed. When an object is moving in a circular path, this indicates it is constantly being pulled towards the center of the circle.

What do thermometers actually detect about the moving particles that make up a sample of matter?

Thermometers detect the average kinetic energy of the particles in a sample of matter. As the temperature increases, the particles move faster and have higher kinetic energy. This increase in kinetic energy is then measured by the thermometer, allowing us to determine the temperature of the sample.

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Advantages and disadvantages of moving average method of determinig trends?

ADVANTAGES 1. they smoothe the data and make it easier to spot trend. 2. They remove short term noise from the data set. 3. They they are easier to use than regression models. DISADVANTAGES 1. requires saving lots of past points. 2. Lags behind a trend. 3. Ignores complex relationships in data.

Why is moving average method useful?


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Advantages: High sensitivity and accuracy. Can measure both AC and DC currents. Low power consumption. Disadvantages: Limited range of measurement. Susceptible to external magnetic fields. Requires frequent calibration.

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Advantages of friction: It allows us to walk without slipping, helps stop moving objects, and provides grip for vehicles on roads. Disadvantages of friction: It causes wear and tear on surfaces, reduces efficiency in machines, and can generate heat leading to energy loss.

Is the moving average method averages out cyclical and irregular components?

The moving average method can help smooth out short-term fluctuations caused by irregular components in the data, but it may not completely eliminate cyclical patterns. It is more effective for reducing noise and highlighting trends in the data.

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they can weave webs and hold their pray better, but some spiders have a hard time moving around on their webs, and some are too heavy

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Moving average inventory method is not GAAP (generally accepted accounting principles). LIFO (last in, first out) or FIFO (first in, first out) are GAAP. FIFO is the most common method and easy to compute; however LIFO may be used but is much more complicated to compute unless your businesses computer system computes the LIFO computation.

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