The Nazis believed in the pseudoscientific theory of "racial hygiene" which deemed Jews as a separate and inferior race. They viewed Jews as a threat to the purity and strength of the Aryan race, portraying them as subhuman and responsible for societal ills. This ideology ultimately led to the systematic persecution and genocide of six million Jews during the Holocaust.
The idea German and other researchers are prohibited by law from publishing, which states that the gross exaggeration of Jewish Holocaust figures was part of a meta-propaganda initiative by world bankers and the corporatocracy to demonize the Germans for the very reason behind WWII: The Germans challenged the usury practices of The Rothschilds and other banking empires because they had enslaved the Germans under the Treaty of Versailles, the result of which was the great German famines which preceded WWII, and which have been stricken from history. The actual number killed in concentration camps during the Holocaust has been estimated to be closer to the number 900,000. Over 550,000 of these, the majority, are thought to be non Jews. The probable cause of most deaths was disease. Crematoriums existed at Auschwitz which were thought to have the maximum capacity of 14 per day. In a study which led to a professors imprisonment, physical evidence in the form of bone fragments collected at Auschwitz do not support numbers as high as 400,000. The official number has fluctuated from the ridiculous 3 million, as asserted at Nuremberg, to an equally ridiculous 1.1 million. The fact it would have taken more petrol then Germany had, or the equivalent of 8 times all the wood in the German held territories, to burn even 1 million bodies has been dismissed as "anti semitism". Bodies simply do not burn easily, and there are no bones to correspond to numbers even close to the six million number, which had been repeated prior to, and after World War II. After WWII approximately 5.5 million Jews disappeared from the European almanacs, and appeared on the Isreali population figures. There was never any mystery in Germany about what happened to them. The ovens were commonly used to disinfect bedding, and were a common method of dealing with lice fleas and other infestations. Numerous independent films have documented the fact Zyklon-B was not found to have existed in the makeshift "Gas Chambers" of Auschwitz. Also, there appears extensive evidence to suggest these facades were built after WWII as part of the propaganda campaign. American and Canadian G.I.'s have reported that many of the photos and video which have been used to support the case of a Jewish Holocaust, actually show what are starving German families, who perished in great numbers when Germany fell to the U.S. and Russian forces. Finally, one of the greatest single atrocities of WWII has been erased from the history books. The Holohoax theory stated that ridiculously inflated Jewish Holocaust numbers were manufactured to compensate for such monstrous acts as the Fire Bombing of the refugee city of Dresden, where 250,000 mostly women and children were killed, between February 13, and February 15 1945. The bigger the lie, the more goes into telling it, and the Jewish people have a saying which translates as "The Business of the Holocaust". For fifty years in synagogues across the world the imaginary "Six Million" serves to feed a sick sense of Jewish entitlement. The Rothschild's who escaped from Germany were the same who profited hugely when Europe was forced to pay interest on The Marshall Plan for 60 years. Other bankers who'd profited of the Marshall Plan and Cold War, were the same who sat safely in Switzerland, while WWII raged. Historians are insistent that it was these same bankers, most of whom were Jewish, who funded Hitlers initial putsch, when he took over the Reichstag and Assumed presidential power from Paul Von Hindenberg. That means that Jewish bankers helped start, manage, and profit off what was a war against German resistance to banking practices. But that's not the version you got at school, was it?
During World War II, those of the Jewish faith were required to display the Star of David (the 6-pointed star).
the star of david
As required by Deuteronomy 6:9, Jews put a symbol of their covenant with God on their doorposts. Specifically in the Book of Exodus, the Jews wiped lamb's blood on their doorpost as a symbol to the Angel of Death to avoid their houses.
It was the Star of David
If the Jews didn't wear the symbol a neighbor would report them and they would be shot or sent to concentration camps.
the jews!!
No. The Cross is a Christian symbol. It has no value in Judaism.
The main religious symbol for Jews is the 'menorah' - the 7 branch candelabra that stood in the Temple. The main national, non-religious symbol is the Mogen David (David's Shield) which is often called the Star of David in English.
The cross is not a symbol within the religion of Judaism, it is strictly a Christian symbol. That being said, from a historical perspective, to the majority of Jews view the cross is a symbol of death and persecution.
The same. The Star of David became a distinctively Jewish symbol in the early modern era, and consisted then as now as a pair of overlaid equilateral triangles, any color. The Nazis required exactly that symbol, in yellow.
The religious symbol of Judaism is the 'menorah'. The 7 branch candelabra that stood in the Temple.