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10 CLS

20 FOR n = 1 to 10

30 PRINT n, n^2, n^3

40 NEXT n

50 PRINT: PRINT: PRINT "Touch 'x' to go again, any other key to end."

60 INPUT a$

70 IF a$ = "X" or a$ = "x" THEN 10

80 END

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 2mo ago

Here is a sample QBasic program to print the squares and cubes of the first 10 natural numbers:

FOR i = 1 TO 10
    PRINT "Number: ", i
    PRINT "Square: ", i * i
    PRINT "Cube: ", i * i * i

This program uses a FOR loop to iterate through the first 10 natural numbers and calculates and prints their squares and cubes accordingly.

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Is qbasic a high level language?

The QBASIC program actually comes in 2 different flavors... A> QBASIC interpreter program: QBASIC Version 1.1 B> QBASIC compiler program: QBASIC 4.5/or, QB64/or, -etc., the answer is that this programming language comes in both forms: 'interpreter/compiler' versions; and, you have to select which of these you would prefer to download and use. *NOTE*: The compiler version of the language tends to be much larger; whereas, the interpreter version of the language tends to be small/very compact, indeed; thus, the interpreter tends to take up far less disk space. Many people start off their programming career by using QBASIC version 1.1 'interpreter' program; in order to learn 'how to' program. The interpreter version of the program can only create plain text (.bas) files; the which code CANNOT be shared with others; (not unless the persons who you are sharing this type of code with do already have a copy of the QBASIC interpreter program installed on their own computer). Then, later on, down the line...when they have become fully capable programmers themselves; they go and download a QBASIC 'compiler' program version, instead; which will allow them to go and create stand alone (.exe) program files that they can share with anybody. This is because (.exe) program files can RUN/execute entirely independently of the QBASIC program itself.