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a 4 cylinder car is not a gas saver

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Q: Are 4 cylinder cars gas savers?
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What is the fuel tank capacity of a 2006 Ford Ranger?

Around 12 gallons on a 4 cylinder. It is a pretty small gas tank. We own one and you have to stop for gas a little more than most cars would. Around 12 gallons on a 4 cylinder. It is a pretty small gas tank. We own one and you have to stop for gas a little more than most cars would.

What type of car uses less gas?

Hybrids or tiny little 4 cylinder cars (Civic, Cobalt, Jetta, etc).

How many cylinder used in cars?

Could be 4, 6 or 8 cylinder.

Differences between 2 cylinder and 4 cylinder cars?

A 2 cylinder engine is faster then a 4. it produces more combustion.

Why do companies still put v6 engines in their best cars?

The v6 is very versatile. You can get the power of a v8, but at the same time get the gas mileage of a 4 cylinder engine.

What is the mpg for a 4 cylinder car?

Varies between cars and engines.

What is tha gas mileage on a 2007 4 cylinder camery?

Here's a link to the Government fuel economy calculator that covers all cars:

What is the firing sequence of a e420 1997 Mercedes?

On most 6 cylinder cars the fireing order would be 153624 On 4 cylinder cars the most used is 1342

How is car engine classified?

A car engine can be classified based on the number of cylinders it has. It could be a 4 cylinder, 6 cylinder, 8 cylinder, 10 cylinder, or 12 cylinder (the last two engines are mainly used in exotic cars). There are also rotary engines, electric engines, natural gas engines and hybrid (electric/gas) engines. Each of these has subcategories as in the most common piston engines listed above.

What is the size of the engine of sport car?

Sports cars come with almost any size engine from a small 4 cylinder to a large V12. Examples are the Mazda Miata which has a 4 cylinder and then the Chevrolet Corvette which has a V8. Both of these cars are true sports cars.

Why is there a slow throttle response on your 2009 kia optima with a 4 cylinder?

Almost all 4 cylinder cars have a slow response because of the small engine. it only has 4 cylinders so only that much gas can get to it at once, therefor it will have a slow response unless you modify it with fuel injectors and intakes ect.

How good of gas milege does a ford ranger 4 cylinder get?

It depends on the gas you put