

Best Answer

12 ga, 20 amp.

14 ga, 15 amp.

16 ga, 10 amp.

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Q: How many amps is a 16 gauge wire 12 volts rated for?
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How many amps is 8 gauge wire 12 volts DC good for?

Generally 40 amps continuous or 50 amps surge is safe.

How many amps can handle in 12 volts a 600 volts 15 amps rated terminal bar?

The terminal strip's rating is 15 amps at 600 volts. It does not matter what the voltage is up to 600 volts, the maximum amperage allowed on the strip is 15 amps. It could be 15 amps at 12 volts or 15 amps at 600 volts or any voltage in between.

How many amps is 2 gauge wire 12 volts DC good for?

5000 watts

How many amps in 70 watts?

To answer this you have to know how many volts will be used. If you know the voltage then you can calculate the current by dividing voltage into wattage. For example; an electric heater rated at 700 watts when plugged into a 115 v outlet will draw 700/115 = 6.08 amps of current.

How many amps at 120 volts equals 16 amps at 12 volts?

160 amps at 12v.

How many amps at 12 volts equals 16 amps at 120 volts?

160 amps at 12v.

How many amps will be used in an air conditioner operating on 240 volts and rated at 1.5 kw?

Depends on power factor, but it should be about 8 Amps.

If voltage is 12 volts and ohms is 0.5 how many amps in circuit?

Ohm's law: Volts = Amps * Ohms, or Amps = Volts / Ohms 12 volts / 0.5 ohms = 24 amps

4 volts is a many watts?

4 volts and how many amps? Watts = amps x volts. It depends on the amount of current (in Amps) flowing at 4 Volts... See Ohms Law: Watts = Volts x Amps If you have 2 Amps flowing at 4 Volts you are dissipating/consuming 8 Watts. If you have 10 Amps flowing at 4 Volts you are dissipating/consuming 40 Watts.

How many amps can a 1000watt inverter handle will it run a 10amp power saw?

A 1,000 watt inverter giving 110 volts is rated at 9 amps.

How many volts it takes to cause a current of 1.95 amps to exist in a 200 watt lamp?

The formula to calculate the relationship between amps, volts and watts is Volts X Amps = Watts or Volts = Watts / Amps or Amps = Watts / Volts therefore; 200 Watts divided by 1.95 Amps is 102.5641 Volts.

If 13.6 volts is how many amperge?

It depends on how many Amps (current) are applied to the voltage. Watt = Volts x Amps. e.g. 12 volts @ 5 amps = 60 watts