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Q: What is the percentage of electricity generated in the UK in 2002 for oil?
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How do you convert kwh to CO2 tons?

The amount of CO2 generated from electricity (kWh) is dependant upon the way the electricity is generated. Burning a barrel of oil to produce electricity yields far more CO2 than generating the same amount of electricity from wind or water. One should contact their electricity provider to get a break-down of how the electricity is generated.

in an oil power station how is heat generated?

In an oil power station, heat is generated by burning oil in a boiler to produce high-pressure steam. This steam is then used to drive a turbine connected to a generator, which converts the mechanical energy into electricity.

How much electricity is produced by oil?

Oil accounted for approximately 2.8% of global electricity generation in 2019, varying by country and region. However, the share of electricity generated from oil is decreasing in many places due to environmental concerns and the shift towards cleaner energy sources.

How do you get electricity from burning oil?

Electricity can be generated from burning oil by using the heat produced to boil water and create steam. The steam then drives a turbine connected to a generator, which produces electricity. This process is known as thermal power generation.

Why did Rockefeller fear electricity?

Rockefeller did not fear electricity. In fact, he recognized the potential of electricity and invested in companies that generated and distributed it. His Standard Oil Company used electricity in its operations, including for lighting and power.

What are the types of fuels used in heating?

Fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas), mostly, or electricity generated by burning them.

Could fossil fuels create electricity?

Yes, fossil fuels can and do create electricity. Most electricity round the world today is generated by burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas).

How much electricity does fossil fuel generate each year?

Fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas account for the majority of electricity generation globally. In 2020, fossil fuels generated approximately 63% of the world's electricity. However, this percentage can vary by country and region based on their energy mix.

How steam generates electricity?

Steam generates electricity by spinning turbines located within electromagnetic fields. The steam can be generated by heating water using many types of fuels, such as coal, gas, and oil, or through the heat generated from controlled nuclear reactions.

How is electricity generated in a power station by using fossil fuels?

Burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) is used to boil water. The steam is used to spin electricity turbines and this generates electricity.

How is electricity generated in MaharastraIndia?

Electricity in Maharashtra, India is primarily generated through thermal power plants that burn coal, natural gas, or oil. Additionally, the state has hydroelectric power plants that harness the energy from flowing water to generate electricity. Maharashtra also has some renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power contributing to its electricity generation.