yes...yes it is
nope most likely a ground check your ground and wires worst case check ground on body of amp with a screwdriver
AMP stands for alarm monitoring protection.
Typically a poor ground, or some how the red wire is touching the black
something is wired up wrong or you overloaded the amp
No, the service mode on A jandy or pentair system, is just that for service the whole system is shut down in service and the equipment can only be turned on manually. So in other words the "freeze" protection has been turned off in the service mode.
Yes, but it is not very useful in open loop mode. In open loop mode, unless you happen to be very lucky (as in extraordinarily lucky, meaning you won't be) the output will be pegged to one of the two rails. The op-amp will be operating in saturated mode instead of linear mode, and its response time will suffer. You could also damage the op-amp.
alt+delete+control is proected mode.
you might have you subs hooked up wrong i the box idk check and make sure might blow um
So long as you remain with the range of the device (power supply rails less a volt or two), the output of an op-amp will go to what ever value is required to maintain the input stages (bridge) to remain the same. So, the effect on input voltage on output of an op-amp is dependent on the feedback circuit.
CPU protection Memory protection I/O protection Dual mode protection. Research more about these and maybe you will get where you are going.
To get your amp out of protect mode, try disconnecting all of the speaker wires and power cycling the amp by turning it off and then back on after a few minutes. Check for any loose connections, shorts, or blown fuses. If the issue persists, consult the user manual or contact the manufacturer for further troubleshooting.