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Yes, if possible, connect the grounds to the ground bus bar and the neutrals to the other side on the neutral bus bar. This is just in case you ever install a sub panel. It is not a violation of the NEC code to connect them to the same bus bar but IMO it is unprofessional and can cause problems later on.

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Q: Are neutrial and ground wires to be separated in electric main box?
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Can you put an above ground pool under electric wires?

No! check with your power company.....

How do I remedy touching ground wires?

For getting proper earthing. And it will reduce the chance for getting electric shock

Why do ground wires blow in wall sockets?

Ground wires do not "blow" in wall sockets. Ground wires are designed to safely carry excess electrical current in the event of a fault to prevent electric shock or fires. If a ground wire is damaged or improperly connected, it may not provide the necessary protection, but it does not "blow" like a fuse.

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Where are the ground wires on a 2000 s10?

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Why do the interior lights on your 93 olds 98 not come on when the doors are opened and also the electric locks don't operate properly?

fuse or broken ground in wires

How are electric wires manufactured?

Electric wires are manufactured in various ways. One of the most common methods is the strip twist where wires are enhanced to hold mechanical loads.Ê

Who fixes electric poles and wires?

Electric poles and wires are usually maintained and repaired by electric utility companies, such as power companies or municipal electric departments. These organizations have trained technicians and lineworkers who are responsible for installing, maintaining, and fixing electric poles and wires to ensure a reliable electricity supply.

How are ground wires a safety measure against electric shock?

If the live wire should touch the casing of an appliance, the casing would become live and give electric shocks. The ground wire prevents this because it provides a low resistance route to earth and any current flows away safely. Because of the low resistance, a large current flows and blows the fuse, thus disconnecting the appliance. One safety feature is that the ground wires connect the outer cases of all items of electrical equipment together, so that (for example) it is not possible to get an electric shock by touching the cooker and the fridge at the same time. This type of grounding is also used in aircraft even though there is no connection to the ground. The other feature is that the ground wires are grounded to an earth rod in the ground, to avoid a buildup of static electric charge. They are also connected to water and gas supply pipes.