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Yes, as long as the different wire is of the same size or larger and has the same insulation factor as the original wire.

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Q: Can all wire be reconnected using different wire?
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Does all romex have a ground wire?

Some older wire does not have a ground. All you can do in that case is use a jumper wire to connect the ground to the neutral.

How many 20amp outlets in commercial building per circuit?

All depends on how big your main breaker is and what size wire you are using,one 20 amp outlet needs #12 wire not more than 50feet away from main breaker

How do you connect a 230 volt outlets using a neutral white wire?

I am taking this question to mean that you are making an installation using two wire cable that has a black and white in it. In this situation the white is not called a neutral. At the distribution panel end the white wire does not connect to the neutral bar. It will go to one side of a two pole breaker. the other side of the breaker will connect to the black wire of the cable. On the 230 volt receptacle end the two wires will connect to either side of the receptacle. Make sure that the cable wiring is rated to take the amperage that your plug-in device will draw. The last thing to do is identify the white wire as a "hot" current carrying conductor. This is done by placing black tape around the white wire. This is done at both ends of the cables white wire. This is done to ensure in the future that is someone else works on the circuit they will know that the wire is not a neutral conductor.In the market place there is a new cable that has no white wire in it. This cable is used for wiring baseboard heaters and has a different colour jacket to identify the type of cable it is. The internal wiring colours are black and red. This wire is used for all 230 volt circuits.

What are the holes on an outlet for?

The holes on the back are there for quick wiring. You strip the wire and then insert it into the holes. It is held in place by spring tension. I do not recommend you wire the outlet by using these holes. From my experience the wires are not secure enough. Strip the wire and wrap it around the screws and tighten it securely which is what all the good electricians I know do. Takes a little longer but IMO it is more secure.

Can you install 12G wire to receptacles and 14G wire from receptacles up to fixtures in 20A circuit?

No. In a 20 amp circuit all wire has to be 12 AWG or larger.

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You just changed your battery and now nothing happens at all when you turn the ignition?

you either overlooked a hot lead that needs to be reconnected at the battery, or you grounded a hot wire and blew a fuse or fusible link wire

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No, all three of Reconnected are single :)

How do you trouble shoot the ignition spark on a 1985 Honda 250ES trike All electrical parts and wiring harness have already been replaced?

I went through the same problem. Finally went back through and reconnected my ground wire again to a different spot. Great spark, problem solved. Worth a shot. (and its free)

What color is wire for 1966 Chevrolet c10 truck?

They had all different colored wires.

How can the magnetic field of a wire be increased?

The magnetic field of a wire can be increased by increasing the current flowing through the wire, increasing the number of turns in the wire to create a coil, or by using a material with higher permeability around the wire, such as an iron core. All of these methods increase the strength of the magnetic field produced by the wire.

How do you get the car to drive when battery is reconnected?

If all you did was disconnect and reconnect the battery, it should function as normal. That is, assuming you disconnected the ground (negative) first when you took the battery out and reconnected the positive side first when replacing the battery. If you didn't, there's a possibility you toasted your ECM.

Can a dohc Saturn replace a sohcsc?

Only if you change the wire harness, computer and transmission. All are different

In a two colored speaker wire which one is positive and which is negative?

It depends on the auto maker no standard. There all different.

What tools are required to install an electric switch?

You need electrical wire, electrical tape, a screwdriver, and wire cutters. All these items are necessary to complete that task. You also need to have the outlet box that you will be using.

What is the brown wire in a plug?

This is not true in all plugs it all depends on the manufacturer and the product. Plug wires come in all different colors such as red, black, brown, yellow, blue, and so on. So as I said the wire being brown is indicative of a certain manufacturer or product.

Why colour of electric wire different?

because all wires have different work. one carry positive charge, one carry nagative charge,and one is nuetral. they are of different colours because from this it can be easy to recognise the wires

Can you use 3 wire 14 gauge cabling using all 3 wires red black green as hot to run 2 end of run switches to 2 different middle of run lights on the same circuit?

i don't really know.