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In Canada the answer is no. Triplex is an aerial rated set of conductors that are used to bring the voltage from the utilities pole to the service drop at the home. Triplex consists of two ungrounded conductors wrapped around a neutral steel supported conductor. These conductors can be used on higher current capacities due to the direct cooling of the conductors by the surrounding air. This is why you will see a service drop of number 6 conductors supplying a 100 amp service. For a three phase four wire system quadplex is used to make three phase connections to commercial and industrial services.
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Q: Can triplex be run in underground conduit?
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Does triplex wire need to be in conduit under a house?

Yes. If they are single wires they need to be in a conduit.

Can 14-2 wire on a patio post be covered with white conduit?

Yes, that is fine as long as the wire does not run underground. If it does run underground you need 14-2U wire.

Do you have to run wiring in conduit if its in the ground?

Wire in conduit for underground feeders has to have an insulationrating for wet and damp locations. In the marketplace there is also wiring thathas an insulation rating for direct burial that does not need to be installed into conduit.

Which conduit is best - PVC or MS conduit?

For underground conduit runs, PVC is by far the better of the two conduit systems.

Can you run Ethernet out doors or should it be incased in conduit?

The outer casing of an Ethernet cable does not have a UV rating and will deteriorate under the summer sun. Pull the cable into a conduit and if possible bury the conduit underground. This will give you a safe and secure link.

Do you have to bury your wire for a hot tub 20 feet away from main breaker?

Yes, it is recommended to bury the wire for a hot tub at least 18 inches below the ground, regardless of the distance from the main breaker. This ensures safety and compliance with electrical codes. Be sure to consult with a licensed electrician for the specific requirements in your area.

Do you need a mast to run aerial wire from a garage with a 100 amp fuse box to an office trailer?

Yes, it must have a standoff, and the proper service head in. I would run it underground instead of overhead. Use underground wire in a conduit.

Electrical conduit length is there a tool to measuring the conduit underground?

Well yes there is its called electricians conduit measuring tool we found it on u tube . go to superconduits and watch the video .

Can 480 volt electric be run in emt conduit?

Yes 480 volt electric wiring can be run in emt conduit.

Can you run 110 and 220 volt circuits in the same conduit?

Yes, 120 and 240 volts can be run in the same conduit.

Can you use PVC conduit underground?

Yes, PVC conduit can be used underground for electrical wiring. It is a common choice due to its durability, resistance to corrosion, and affordability. Make sure to choose the correct type and size of PVC conduit that is rated for burial to ensure safety and compliance with electrical codes.

Can a three phase circuit be installed in the same conduit or in different conduits?

The conductors of any three phase circuit must be run in the same conduit. If the circuit requires a neutral, it must also run with the conductors in the same conduit. (If they were to be run in more than one conduit or raceway, the circuit would not operate properly.)