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When measuring current yes, definitely. When measuring voltage I would guess yes but it may be affected by the resistance inherent within each meter.

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Q: Can you connect 2 analog electric meters in series will each one read correctly?
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How do you obtain separate electric meters from one building into two apartments?

You have a meter stack installed.

Why is a pulsing voltage easiest to read on an analog meter?

This is because digital meters do not continuously update the display. My meter for instance only shows a new number twice a second. If the voltage peaks between updates, you will never see it. Analog meters continuously follow the voltage, and the eye can follow the pointer as it peaks. Many electricians and technicans still hang on to their beloved Simpson 260 analog meter for this very reason. Many digital meters now have a little bargraph below the main display, set to act like an analog meter, to make this type of visual measurement possible. It should be noted that even the analog meter does not respond perfectly to voltages that change quickly, because the physical mass of the meter movement cannot accelerate insantaneously. So, if you see the needle "pulse", you know there was one, but you cannot rely on the needle to show the true peak. Such measurements are used to see the trend or get a rough idea of what is happening in the circuit. If you need to find the exact value, use an oscilloscope!

Why are analog meters used in vehicles?

If you are cruising down the freeway, you can get about the same information on, say, your speed, if you look at an analog meter as a digital one. But if you are braking and your speed is changing, a digital meter will be "fluttering" as it continuously gets a new reading to post, and it won't be able to tell you how fast you're going. (This had to do with the way the sensors "sample" the speed to display it.) In the analog meter, the needle will be falling as you slow down, and the human brain has a better "grasp" of the "meaning" of the falling needle than it has of blinking numbers on a display. Certainly as the needle on an analog meter passes a specific mile-per-hour marker, you can see how fast you were going. But it is the value of the moving needle in the analog meter and the ability of the brain to "understand" it that makes it so much more effective than a digital display.

Disadvantage of digital over analog instruments?

There are none except for the fact if the if the input signal has variations in value, with no filtering, the digital readouts can become a guess to read. Analog meters will average these variations as a wiggle of the needle so that the reading changes in a slower manner which is easier to read.

What does it mean if a voltmeter has low sensitivity?

Going back in time, meters were rated in ohms per volt full scale sensitivity. This means that if a meter was rated at 20Kohms per volt and it had a 1 volt scale, it would represent a 20Kohm additional load on the circuit it was attached to. In some circuits the additional load could change the operation of the circuit, and/or the measurement. Analog meters usually had this rating. I guess very cheap ones today are still this way. Modern meters generally have a sensitivity in excess of 11Megaohms/volt, so this is no longer a problem for simple measurements.

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How much error is acceptable in analog PF meter?

Old type, analog power factor meters may be considered 2% instruments.

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about 10 meters

Function of panel meter?

What is a Panel Meter? A panel meter is an instrument that displays an input signal in either a digital or analog form. Many panel meters also include alarm options as well as the ability to connect and transfer data to a computer. OMEGA's iSeries panel meters are available with an ethernet option which allows the panel meter reading to be accessed across a local area network (LAN) or even through the internet. directly quoted from here:

How do electric companies calculates electric energy used?

Electric companies calculate the amount of electric energy by using special consumption meters.

How do electric companies calculate electrical energy?

Electric companies calculate the amount of electric energy by using special consumption meters.

How do electric companies calculate electricity used?

Electric companies calculate the amount of electric energy by using special consumption meters.

What is the function of electric meter?

The function of the electric meter is to inform the power company how much electricity you have used - so they know how much to charge you !AnswerWhat is colloquially known as an 'electric meter', or 'electricity meter', is correctly termed an energy meter. As the name implies, an energy meter is used to measure the amount of energy (not'electricity', which is not a quantity!) purchased from the electricity supply company for the purpose of billing its customers. This energy is measured in units called kilowatt hours (kW.h) and, for this reason, energy meters are sometimes referred to as 'kilowatt hour meters' or 'watt hour meters'.

What has the author George C Shaad written?

George C. Shaad has written: 'Power stations and transmission' -- subject(s): Electric power distribution, Electric power-plants 'The measurement of electrical energy, electricity meters, rates for electrical energy' -- subject(s): Electric measurements, Electric meters, Electric utilities, Rates

What is the area of General Electric Realty Plot?

The area of General Electric Realty Plot is 364,217.078016 square meters.

Merits of digital multimeters?

Over the old analog meters three that I can think of. Ruggedness, accuracy and the ability to shut themselves after a time interval.

What do most analog meters use to facilitate the needle movement?

Most analog meters use a coil of wire (solenoid) and a magnet to facilitate the movement of the needle. When current passes through the coil, it creates a magnetic field that interacts with the permanent magnet, causing the needle to move and indicating the measurement on the meter.