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in an AC appliance (something with a plug, connected to a socket, connected to the national grid) the electrical energy is transmitted from the power station to your house/home.

take the example of a light bulb,

SCIENCE EXPLANATION the electrons in the wire are free and can move about they circulate round the completed circuit carrying energy and offloading it to where there is an absence of it. The light bulb takes the energy from the electrons and releases the energy again as Thermal and Visual energy into the atmosphere and the electrons continue around the circuit where they can pick up energy again.

SIMPLIFIED EXPLANATION when the switch is on the energy flows round and gives energy to the light bulb making it work.

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hope this answers your question

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Q: Describe how electrical devices use electrical energy?
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Light bulb: Electrical energy is converted into light and heat energy. Electric heater: Electrical energy is converted into heat energy. Television: Electrical energy is converted into light and sound energy. Electric fan: Electrical energy is converted into mechanical and sound energy. Computer: Electrical energy is converted into heat and sound energy, as well as processing and display energy.

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