The kinds of electric charge are positive charge and negative charge
The rate of flow of electric charge isamperage."Amperage" is slang. The correct term is current.
Electric current is simply the flow of free electrons in a conductor. It is usually defined as the rate of charge flow, because the free electrons represent an electric charge.
No. It is the unit for electric charge. The unit for resistance is the ohm.
A coulomb is a measure of electric charge and is equal to -6.24151 x 10^18 electrons.
Using electricity.
An electric bill calculator will generally cover all power companies assuming the calculator has inputs for usage and cost per KwH, since power companies may charge customers differently based on amount of electricity used.
Electric companies will charge more for green energy. Green energy is more expensive for the company itself to set up and those costs are passed on to the consumer.
The insurance companies should not have charged for change of address, which is part of their rendering service to the customers. In India, the insurance companies do not charge anything for the above service, though I am not aware if US insurance companies are charging for this trifle job or not !
Yes Electric cars themselves are green being zero emission vehicles. Yet when your charging your vehicle it depends on the source of the electricity. Burning coal, natural gas, methane, etc. = NO Solar panels, wind turbines, hydo-electric = YES Even if your still connected to the utility companies it produces less pollution to charge your car then to use gasoline.
Electrical companies typically charge for electricity based on the amount of energy consumed by a customer, measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh). The cost per kWh can vary based on factors such as time of use, seasonality, and pricing plans offered by the utility company. Customers receive a monthly bill reflecting their energy usage and the corresponding charges.
Companies could charge as much as they liked.
The electric charge of an antineutron is zero, as it is an antiparticle of a neutron which has no electric charge.
Electric companies make money primarily through the sale of electricity to consumers. They generate revenue by charging for the amount of electricity used, often measured in kilowatt-hours. Additionally, they may earn income from service fees, maintenance charges, and selling excess power to other utilities or grid operators.
The kinds of electric charge are positive charge and negative charge
Electricity. The more electricity a home consumes, the higher the bill will be. Charging is typically based on the number of kilowatt-hours used during a billing cycle.
WHO pays for the installation of power and telephone lines to a property that is in a rural area (far from existing utility services) has long been an area of disputes and complaints. Most utility companies in the USA are regulated and the amounts they charge and the items they can charge for are listed in contracts called TARIFFS. It is the fine print in the tariffs that regulates when and how much they can charge for certain services. Tariffs may differ between residential and commercial accounts. In some instances the utility comapny will bring service a fixed distance from their existing facilities and the customer has to pay for the rest. In some areas the customer has to pay for the whole thing.