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=== === <><><> If you needed to ask this question here, one of the most important things you must learn is how to use an electrician's multi-meter correctly and safely. This is one of those questions... If you know this little, you shouldn't be planning to do what you are planning... No disrespect intended, but this is SO basic that it suggests you have not studied the subject at all! There are many good reference books and course books to study from. === === <><><> This question is not as easy to answer as you may at first think. It all depends if you really know what you mean when you say "a positive wire" and "a negative wire". Are you asking about an AAA cell or are you asking about mains voltage alternating current? So take the advice given above and learn how to use a multimeter - safely - to measure voltages and currents used by electrical items or systems. Some of them use direct current power supplies, such as dry cells or batteries; other things use alternating current power supplies such as 120 Volt or 240 Volt power mains. You really need to know about both types because none of them are safe to play with, not even the simplest dry cell or battery. If you want to ask this type of question again please be sure to say: * exactly what type of electrical item or system it is that you want to know about


* where those wires are on (or in) the item or system that you are curious to know about which wires are positive or negative. Then someone may be able to help you by giving you a more specific answer.




If you do this work yourself, always turn off the power

at the breaker box/fuse panel BEFORE you attempt to do any work AND

always use an electrician's test meter having metal-tipped probes

(not a simple proximity voltage indicator)

to insure the circuit is, in fact, de-energized.

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Q: How do you tell a positive wire from negative wire?
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How do you tell a positive speaker wire from a negative speaker wire?

The positive speaker wire is a solid color, your negative wire should have a stripe on it.

How do you tell a positive wire from a negative wire on a car?

On the car battery, the positive wire is red and the negative wire is black. If the body of the car is metal or conducts electricity, then the body of the car serves as the negative wire. The metal in the engine serves as the negative wire.

How do you tell which wire is positive or negative on a cars headlight?

Check the wires with a multimeter.

How do you tell a positive wire from negative wire with colors?

In a DC circuit Red is positive and Black is negative. In AC systems White is neutral and Ground is green or green-yellow stripe.

Which wire is grounded positive or negative?

The negative wire is grounded.AnswerThe negative wire is grounded.

How do you tell the positive and negative wire by the texture?

In my experience, one wire will have little ridges or ribs along its' entire length. The other one will be smooth. Not sure which one is supposed to be positive or negative, but you can just assign one wire positive and the other negative. Just don't mix them up and you'll be able to tell which one is which at either end of the pair of wires. Hope this helps.:)

What are the standard speaker wire colors for positive and negative terminals?

The standard speaker wire colors for positive and negative terminals are typically red for positive and black for negative.

Is the copper wire positive or negative?

copper is positive

How can you tell the difference between positive and negative wires?

One way to tell the difference between positive and negative wires is by their color coding. Positive wires are typically red, orange, or another bright color, while negative wires are usually black or another dark color. You can also use a multimeter to test for voltage: the positive wire should show a higher voltage than the negative wire when tested.

What are the positive and negative speaker wire colors on a 2008 pathfinder?

The positive speaker wire is red while the negative speaker wire is black on a 2008 pathfinder.

Does the red wire go on the plus sign on a battery or the minus?

The red wire is Positive, (+) and the Black wire is Negative. (-)

Is the hot wire labeled positive or negative?

Hot is positive.