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I assume you are talking about a standard, 120 volt, residential lamppost that uses (all 5) 120 volt bulbs and not something else. If this is true, and you have five lamp sockets in the same fixture, then notice that every lamp socket has a white and a black wire. In order to get the 120 volts to each bulb, the lamp sockets MUST be wired in PARALLEL. You will tie ALL 5 white wires together with the white (neutral) power source wire with a wire nut of correct size. Then do the same with the 5 black wires and the black (hot) power source wire. Make sure to shut off your source wires at the circuit breaker or fuse panel before you start, and double- check the circuit for voltage with an appropriate tester before you start. Always think safety! I hop

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Q: How do you wire a 5 bulb lamppost the right way?
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What do you mean by sourcing and sinking?

A sourcing output supplies current or voltage to the load. The output would be hooked to one side of the load, and the other side is grounded. A sinking output works by pulling the voltage or current to ground. In this case, the load is connected to the 'hot' power supply terminal, and the other end is connected to the sinking output. When the output goes active ("goes low"), current flows from the power supply, through the load, then to ground via the output terminal. Sinking outputs are sometimes called 'open collector' outputs. You can visualize it this way: Take a light bulb and hook one lead to the chassis of your car. You just grounded the load. Now take a wire and hook it to the positive battery terminal. When you touch the battery wire to the bulb, it lights. You are 'sourcing' current to the bulb. Now, connect the bulb to the positive battery terminal. Take a wire and connect it to the car's frame (ground). The bulb already has a voltage supply - the positive battery terminal. When you touch the ground wire to the bulb, sinking current to ground, the bulb lights. The big deal here is IC's that sink current typically have much greater current capability than those with sourcing outputs. So why even bother with sourcing outputs? Their main claim to fame is the load can be ground-referenced, which is very desirable in some situations.

How can you wire and control 3 lights from 1 switch?

This is simple. First the wire coming from the power supply go to the switch. Then it goes to the first , the second and the third light. Since the switch comes first all three light will be controlled by that one switch.

What is the shape of the magnetic field that surrounds a current carrying wire?

The shape of the magnetic field created by current flow in a wire will be circular around the wire. The magnetic lines of force "surround" or "wrap around" the wire according to the left hand rule. Grab the wire with your left hand with your thumb extended and pointing in the direction the electrons are flowing. The fingers will be wrapping around the wire in the direction of the magnetic field. Look at the wire "head on" and picture the electrons "coming at you" as you look. The magnetic lines of force will circle around the wire in a clockwise direction. Grab the wire with your left hand as you look "into" that wire and look at your fingers. Clockwise. The magnetic lines of force "circle" the conductor in closed rings. temptress_skkk: In my textbook, it says the "right-hand rule" instead of the "left-hand rule" but it's basically the same thing, only the current is going the opposite way with your right hand instead of your left hand being in its place. it is the right hand rule of thumb not the left hand. and the magnetics line will fade as the square of the distance.

Can you turn a 14-2 wire into a 14-3?

The only way to change a 14-2 wire into a 14-3 wire is to physically remove the 14-2 and replace it with a 14-3.

What is common wire in a three way when all the wires are black?

If this is a new installation then you have a choice of picking any one you wand to make the common wire. Usually a three wire cable used for three way switching has a white, red and black wire in them. If this is an existing installation and you have misplaced which wire is the common you will have to go back to the switch to find the conductor used. Disconnect it from the switch and temporarily place it on the ground wire. Next go to the next junction box and start ringing the wires to ground. When you find which wire is grounded, this is the common conductor.

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What is the meaning of lamppost?

It is a post which holds the head and bulb pieces of a lamp in the same way that a stem supports the flower of a plant. According to the Urban Dictionary it is also a place in the fictional land of Narnia.

How do you make a circuit with a light bulb and battery?

Get your bulb, it should be a very small wattage (weak) one, get your battery and wires, connect one wire to plus side of abttery and other wire to minus side of battery, then connect to the bulb, you may have to play around a bit to find a connection that produces light.

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it find in the electricity that way in a wire that have an station so when you put it it's grows got it..

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just do it ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Right Way.

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It's not a map piece, it's part of a Dragon Face drawing that shows how to open a unique lock in the Underground. It is a secret way into the museum. Climb up the wire that the bulb is hanging from, and jump hard to the right.

How do you replace a headlight on a 2002 Jaguar S type?

To unhook the wire brace you should press slightly out toward the side wall and then down. It's hard to see so take a flash light and get a good look. Visualize the maneuver and if you have small hands it's not to difficult. The bulb is relatively easy to replace. There is a wire brace that holds the bulb inside the light assembly. The bulb snaps into a two-prong electrical receptacle. The trick is in resetting the wire brace that holds the bulb in the assembly. Its a tight fit and space is limited. The easiest way to replace the bulb is to take out the whole lamp assembly and replace the bulb then place the whole assembly(both left/right lights). This may even require removing the bumper if you dont have the right tools or very small hands.

How do you put back the headlight retainer clip for a 03' Mazda protege the correct way?

the same way you pulled it out . if you frgot then look on the other side and see how it looks like or Bulb goes in first, then the single wire side of the clip (rotate bulb slightly during the next step until it fits right) to hold bulb in place. The hook side hooks in downwards, which is a little counter-intuitive.

How do you replace the headlight bulb located on a 1994 Plymouth Acclaim?

the bulb that the car uses is a 9004 headlamp. Locate the wire behind the headlight in the engine compartment. unplug the wire from the bulb.With your hand you will feel a retainer ring that is about two inches in diameter. turn it about a quarter of a turn counter clockwise and it will come off in your hand. Pull the bulb out. Get the new bulb and reverse the process. It is pretty simple, the bulb will only fit one way and so will the wire that attaches to the bulb. Remember, it is very important that you do not touch the bulb(glass part). The oil from your skin will form a "hot-spot" and shorten the life of the bulb considerably.

How do change head light bulb on ford escort 1997?

First i would get a flashlight and take a good look at the back of the headlight assembly in the engine compartment. First there is a grey dust/water cap over the bulb and wire harnes this will come off with a slight twist to the left. In order to remove it all the way out of the way you must remove a wire harnes that is connected to the back of it after you get it unseated you can use a small set of needle nose pliars to pinch the little connector on one side then move 180 deg .pinch that side and it should push right off of the dust cap. Then the dust cap can be completely removed. After that look with your flashlight and the gently pull on the wire harness that is connected to the light bulb assembly a little wiggle and tension and that should come right off. Last but no least flashlight required again look at the bulb where the wire harness connected to it. Just to the outside of it there is a circular lock ring that is black about 2" round that needs to be turned to the left and removed once that is out of the way you can grab the light bulb assembly and gently rock it out of its seat. Remeber do not touch the bulb part of your new bulb or it will shortly burn out. To reassembly reverse directions. It should take you around 10-15 mins.

How can you demonstrate that a light bulb emits electrons by thermionic emission?

A way to demonstrate thermionic emission in a light bulb is by applying a high voltage to it. The voltage heats up the filament, causing it to emit electrons due to thermal energy. These emitted electrons form an electron cloud around the filament, allowing current to flow through the bulb and generate light.

How do you replace the headlight bulbs on a 2001 rodeo?

Unplug the wire buy pulling strait back. Remove the rubber boot the same way. There are springwire retaniers that have a tab on the left (as you face the vehicle) unhook that and it swings to the right and the bulb is free! Just be sure you line up the three metal tabs when reinstalling the bulb.

How do you replace a headlight on a 2000 Honda Odyssey?

Change headlight bulb Honda Odyssey 2000Just finished this harder-than-it-should-be task. Most of the work is blind and you need to feel your way around the bulb housing to find the clip end of the holddown wire cage. Observe Halogen Bulb practices. Clean off any grease or fingerprints on new bulb with alcohol before installing...otherwise hot spot will develop and kill bulb.Passenger SideStep 1: Remove Wire Harness. Find the wires and their harness connected to the back of the bulb. To make sure you have the right harness, wiggle it while looking through the clear lens. If the bulb moves while wiggling the the harness, you have the right one. To remove the harness, simply pull it straight back away from the bulb and off the bulb prongs.Step 2: Remove Rubber Seal Boot. Note the orientation of the boot (typically, the two rubber tabs extending out the back are at the 12 and 6 o'clock positions). The most exposed edge of the boot is underneath the bulb when viewing from above. Feel underneath for the edge and peel it back away from the bulb housing. Work your way around the bulb housing peeling more of the boot back as you go. You may have to work your way around a few times to complete disengage the boot from the bulb housing. Don't worry about the part of the boot around the bulb prongs. It will slide off easily once the boot is disengaged from the bulb housing.Step 3: Open Wire Clip. The bulb is held in place by a wire clip. DO NOT unscrew this clip! Find the tab opposite the screw, push it toward the front of the vehicle then pull it up vertically. The wire clip will pivot back. It pivots on the anchor held by the screw. NOTE: The screw merely retains the clip in its mount. The screw does not have to be loosened or tightened during this procedure. In other words, don't touch the screw.Step 4: Remove Bulb. Once the wire clip is open, the bulb is just resting in the bulb housing. Note the bulb orientation since the new bulb will have to go in the same way (typcially, the three prongs are in the 9, 12, and 3 0'clock positions). Simply pull it out and maneuver it out of the bulb housing and past the wire clip.Step 5: Install New Bulb. Practice closing the clip and opening the clip without a bulb in the housing. Once you get a feel for it, move the clip out of the way and place the new bulb in the bulb housing. WARNING: KEEP BULB CLEAN -- no contaminants and no fingerprints. Handle the bulb by the metal prongs and maneuver it into the bulb housing in the same orientation as the old bulb.Step 6: Close Wire Clip. Close the wire clip over the new bulb as you practiced in Step 5 ;pStep 7: Install Rubber Seal Boot. Maneuver the boot into the same orientation it was in before removal. Place the center hole of the boot over the bulb prongs. Push the bottom edge of the boot onto the bulb housing and work your way around until it is fully engaged with the housing.Step 8: Connect Wire Harness. Align the wire harness to the bulb prongs and push it on.Step 9: Test. Turn on the headlights and make sure it works.Step 10: Drink.Driver SideSame procedure as passenger side now except that space is VERY TIGHT and the housing over the air intake must be removed before starting. The two fasteners on the air intake pull straight out with a little tug by pliers. Save the fasteners, you will need them to reinstall cover later.Good luck. I am sure the dealers charge at least $100 to do this paininthea** job. So you are saving some dough for the aggro. Owners manual actually has a reasonably good diagram and I recommend looking at it.HowardWith Howard's guidelines, I was able to cut his time in half. Thx. One piece of advice on the clip wire that holds the light in place; put the square end of the clip under the screw and tighten the screw half way, then press down on the opposite end of the wire to "hook" the wire under the bracket. Tightened the screw completely after the wire clip is in place. Definitely worth doing it yourself.NOTE: The above 10-step procedure does not require any adjustment to the screw that retains the wire clip. The screw simply holds one part of the cage's wire frame in place and allows the clip to pivot around the retained wire. Practice opening and closing the clip in Step 5 and it all makes sense.