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1. Check with local regulation , authorities. Go by the local law or regulation.

2. If the application is in wet area, risk of ground fault is more, hence go for GFCI.

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Q: Is an GFCI protected outlet required for an outdoor sewage pump?
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What is a intrinsic hazard?

An intrisic hazard is a hazard that would be present as a result of the intrinsic use of the area, space or equipment, for example, a sewer will contain sewage which may produce methane or hydrogen sulphide (toxic or flammable gases). You would reasonably expect the hazard to be there, as opposed to an introduced hazard which would be something you would take in there with you, (using a confined space as an example) taking in welding equipment which can cause an emergency to arise.

If you can change a 4-wire to a 3-wire 240V outlet circuit then what was the purpose of having a 4-wire box in place to begin with?

== == You are not allowed to change a four-wire outlet to a three wire outlet.You can change a four wire cord to a three wire cord.That is VERY different! === === I have answered this question at least 6 times. The 4 wire plug has a neutral and the 3 does not. An untrained homeowner who does their own plumbing can flood the house with water or sewage, on the other hand electricity can kill instantly. I wouldn't want to gamble my family's lives on my incompetence. 3 wire plugs are old and outdated. Way back in the old days they didn't ground equipment so plugs didn't have a ground. (Remember the old 2 wire 110V outlets on houses built before the 50s?) A few people got killed so they decided to add a safety wire. It took them longer to catch on with heavy appliances, but eventually they did. That it what the fourth pin is. Since many homes still have the 3 wire plug it is allowed in older homes. New homes must use the new 4 wire plug. Changing your 4 wire cord to a 3 wire cord is the same as plugging a 3 wire 120V appliance into one of those 3 prong to two prong adapters they sell. Your appliance works now, but is ungrounded. Don't listen to anyone who says to replace the new up-to-code plug with an older plug. That is the same as replacing your 3 prong 120V outlets with old two prong outlets! Ignore anyone who tells you to do so, they think they know a lot more than they actually do. Buy a new cord. It is cheap and safer. IF YOU ARE NOT ALREADY SURE YOU CAN DO THIS JOBSAFELY AND COMPETENTLYREFER THIS WORK TO QUALIFIED PROFESSIONALS.If you do this work yourself, always turn off the powerat the breaker box/fuse panel BEFORE you attempt to do any work ANDalways use an electrician's test meter having metal-tipped probes(not a simple proximity voltage indicator)to insure the circuit is, in fact, de-energized.

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Sewage outlet..... err the Thames, the Mediterranean........ Sewage outlet..... err the Thames, the Mediterranean........

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Yes. Call a plumber to cut open the wall behind the sink and lower the sanitary tee.

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There are many variables in trouble-shooting problems with a septic system. If there is sewage in the house, lift the lid and check the water level. If the water level is lower than the outlet call a plumber. If the water level is higher than the outlet, the problem is the tank.

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Sewage is a waste product carried by sewers.Sewers are the pipes used to carry sewage. Sewerage is the provision of the facility to remove sewage. Sewerage is the utility.

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Sewage treatment plants use microorganisms to destroy the biological material in sewage.

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Sewage is carried out of city's with sewage pipes that leads to rivers, oceans and seas. The problem with that method, is sewage pollution, which could have malicious effects on the environment.

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Sewage smells like sewage it stinksAnswer:At the sewage plant sewage has a wet heavy odour like animal waste it i not entirly unpleasant and is easily acclimatized to, Texts refer to this aroma as earthy, farmlike or even goatish.

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Some words that rhyme with "problem" and have to do with sewage are "globin" (a protein in sewage) and "bottom" (referring to the bottom of a sewage tank).