yes. The higher the number the smaller the wire.
An SCS has an additional gate - the anode gate. It is physically smaller than an SCR and has smaller leakage and holding currents than an SCR.
At room temperature, gold will conduct electricity better than almost any other element other than silver.
Yes. At normal temperatures copper conducts electricity better than almost any other metal; silver is slightly better.
because they re-act better to electricity
Both. It is smaller than 4.1 and bigger than 3.9
0.85 is smaller than 1. 3.4 is bigger than 1. "Bigger than 1" is bigger than "smaller than 1".
There are 8 planets Mercury (smaller than Earth) Venus (smaller than Earth) Earth Mars (smaller than Earth) Jupiter (bigger than Earth) Saturn (bigger than Earth) Uranus (bigger than Earth) Neptune (bigger than Earth) so 3 smaller & 4 bigger than Earth 37.5% smaller than Earth 50% bigger than Earth
Well, Anything bigger than 180 but smaller than 360 .
A garage is something bigger than your car but smaller than your house.
A bigger persons voice is bigger than a smaller persons voice because a bigger person chest is bigger while the smallers person chest is smaller.
It is bigger.
It is smaller.