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Yes, because the wire-mold is just a slip together fitting, a positive ground medium can not be obtained. There are ground screw at all fitting junction boxes. Terminate the ground wire on these screws to make the grounding continuous.

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Q: Is ground wire required when installing wiremold 500 series?
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Where do usually series circuit used?

Series circuits are used in areas where the operation of the circuit is required to be linear.

Why does the field winding of a series dc machine has less number of turns than that of a dc shunt machine?

The series winding takes the full load current of the generator. So it require only a few turns to produce the required magnetic field and so the resistance is lower.

If are measuring current in a series circuit with a multimeter and get a reading of 0.01 mA what does it mean?

0.01 mA is 0.00001 A. This is the current required to develop a voltage of 0.01 mV across 1 Ohm. Since it is a series circuit, it is also true that the current on 0.01 mA is present at every point in the circuit.

Why series a resistor with a load for a DC supply circuit?

Good question on a linear power supply a load is not really required since it is nothing but a low band power amplifier. ON a switching type power supply a minimum load is always required so the PWM has something to control to. Also the soft start circuit may blowup waiting for feedback .Critical circuit since it operates for a very short time. however the load is in parallel not in series.

How many electric paths do you have in a series circuit?

Depending on what type of circuit your talking about.If the circuit is in parallel,series/parallel,then your talking as many loads that there are on the circuit.However if your dealing with the basic series,then there are the going out and coming back in. so two.and that's not including the ground path. ANSWER :Only one path and there is from a positive to a less positive potential

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