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High voltage.

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Q: Long distance transmission of electricity requires what?
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What are the advantages of generating alternating Voltage for transmission?

The main advantage is that it's very easy to step alternating current up or down in voltage by the use of a transformer. High voltage is preferred for long distance transmission because it cuts transmission loss.

Who were the people responseble for electricity and its present use?

Edison invented a DC power system in the start but it had problems transmitting long distances, Tesla invented the AC power system, transformers, ac motors and generators Tesla also invented a wireless electricity supply system where you picked up your electricity through the air with a tuned antenna but he was not allowed to finish the construction of the first transmission tower because he wasn't able to meter the electricity for sale.

Does any country use DC?

No country distributes electrical energy to homes or industry as d.c., but many country use high-voltage d.c. transmission systems -particularly for long-distance transmission (lower losses than a.c.), or for interconnecting independent grid systems (no synchronisation problems), or for undersea cables (no reactive currents),

What is the ability to transmit heat or electricity to other objects called?

The terminology for heat is thermal transfer. To transmit electricity over long distances the terminology would be transformation where transformers step the voltage to a very high value to cut down on line loss. This high voltage is then stepped down at the other end of the transmission line to be used by utility companies to sell to their customers.

How long can a wind turbine generate electricity?

20-25 years

Related questions

Does the distance affect the speed of supply of electricity?

Distance can affect the speed of supply of electricity to some extent. Longer distances may result in higher energy losses due to resistance in the transmission lines, which can slow down the delivery of electricity. However, advancements in technology, such as high-voltage transmission lines and efficient transformers, help to minimize these losses and maintain the speed of electricity supply over long distances.

Does Florida Have AC or DC power supply?

All electricity supplies are a.c. D.C. is used, on occasions, for long-distance transmission (or undersea transmission) at very high voltages, but never for power supplies to homes or businesses.

Which vehicle requires a longer stopping distance?

Trains require a long stopping distance.

What is fiber technology used for?

long distance signal transmission

What was fiber optics used for?

Long Distance signal transmission!

Which relay is used for long transmission line?

distance relay..........

What optical fiber used for?

Long Distance signal transmission!

What is typically considered the maximum distance electricity can be transmitted?

The maximum distance electricity can be efficiently transmitted is around 300-400 miles (500-600 km) without significant losses. This is because energy losses increase with distance due to resistance in the transmission lines. To transmit electricity further, high-voltage direct current (HVDC) technology is used with additional infrastructure like converter stations to minimize losses over long distances.

Why do you not use frequency modulation in long range transmission?

Frequency modulation is not used for long distance transmission because it has the problem of limited band width.

Is long distance running an aerobic sport?

Long distance running is an aerobic sport, meaning that it requires the processing and use of oxygen by the cardiovascular system.

Why does electricity have to be transformed before distribution?

Electricity needs to be transformed before distribution to reduce energy losses and lower costs. Transformers change the voltage levels of electricity to make it suitable for long-distance transmission over power lines. High voltage electricity can travel more efficiently over large distances, minimizing energy losses due to resistance in the wires.

Why are copper and aluminum wires usually employed for electricity transmission?

Copper and aluminum wires are used for electricity transmission because they are highly conductive, have low resistance to the flow of electricity, and are relatively inexpensive. Additionally, both metals can easily be drawn into long, thin wires, making them ideal for transmitting electricity over long distances.