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Q: One problem when using rigid metal conduit in a residence is that the installation of the conduit may A be an electrical hazardB weaken the structureC be a fire hazardD require an equipment ground?
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Electrical Wiring Installation?

form_title=Electrical Wiring Installation form_header=8293 How would you best describe your electrical project?*= () "Electrical panel upgrade only () Update or add a few fixtures, outlets or switches () Complete wiring for addition or remodel" Please describe this location.*= () Home/Residence () Business

electrical outlet installation?

form_title=electrical outlet installation form_header=9423 Which services are you in need of? (Choose all that apply)*= [] "Repair or replace an old switch, fixture or outlet [] Install new switches, fixtures or outlets [] Troubleshoot an electrical problem [] Move switches, fixtures or outlets" Please describe the electrical fixtures that are included in this project (please select all that apply)*= [] Ceiling fan or chandelier [] Switches [] Interior lights [] Outlets [] Exterior lights [] Other fixtures [] Bath or attic exhaust fan Please describe this location.*= () Home/Residence () Business

How is 120 VAC electrical system wired?

This is the type of system in a typical residence. Each breaker controls a separate circuit and all devices are wired in parallel. Each system would be designed for the specific application, including how many amps were available for the specific installation.

What plugs are more efficient 3 points or two points?

If you are referring to the types of 'plug' used with electrical outlets, then one is no more efficient than the other. They both do what they are designed to do: allow portable equipment to be connected to a residence's permanent electrical system. However, three-pin plugs provide greater safety because they provide an earth (ground) connection, which two-pin plugs don't.

New Thermostat Installation?

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Is stealing a firearm from a residence located on a military installation a felony?

Stealing a firearm is a federal felony, period. The location of where you stole it only changes which court would be prosecuting your case.

How do you find out who is handling an Estate of a single customer that died a couple days after you completed electrical work on his residence?

looks like you ain't getting paid

Can you use a step up transformer to power your house if you use a sepereate electrical box for it?

Why would you want to do that -where would you obtain a lower voltage supply suitable for supplying a residence.

What is the plural of artist-in-residence?

The plural form of artist-in-residence is artists-in-residence.

How much does solar air conditioning cost for a residence of 3000 sq ft?

well i would guess probably a couple of 1000 a dollar's depending wear you get they charge you for everything installation is where they get and plus the machine so get some quoites

What is your residence?

A residence is the place where you live, your home.

What does circuit residence mean?

circuit residence