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Depends on the output of the generator

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Q: What amperage fuse do you need for gentron generator?
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Is it possible to connect a generator of 100MW in parallel to that of 50MW?

yes it is just hook it up and go you will need to check your calcs as you will increase your amperage. while not often done I have done this before.

Why must use 5A fuse when maximum current is 4.33A?

Generally speaking, you need to account for any variance in electrical output. There are a lot of factors that can cause a fluctuation in electrical amperage. You wouldn't want to set the fuse too low or it would blow needlessly, but you also don't want to set the fuse too high, or a dangerous short will not be interrupted. A power source/device can produce/draw more amperage while damaged than in normal operation. A 4.33 amp device might not run at 5 amp while working, but while damaged could exceed that dramatically. When looking at the reason for having a fuse, it provides two things: 1) help protect a working device from having too much amperage forced into it from a damaged power source 2) help protect the power source from having too much amperage draw from it by a damaged device.

What fuse do you need to run a 200 watt bulb with 230V?

The formula you are looking for is Amps = Watts divided by Volts. Once you find the amperage you can decide as to the size of a fuse you should use. Remember that fusing protects the conductors of the circuit and not the load of the circuit. A #14 wire is rated at 15 amps and can legally be loaded only to 12 amps.

How do you calculate power use for a home power generator?

Click the link. There you can figure the size generator you need.

What size breaker do you need for 9000W at 440V 3phase?

This formula will give you the amperage I = kw x 1000/1.73 x E x pf (pf = power factor). Take the amperage and multiply it by 125%. This will give you the breaker size that you need.

Related questions

Which portable generators weigh the least?

I found a gentron generator that weighed only 53 pounds. The power output is significantly lower than generators weighing more. It comes down to a power to weight ratio, so you need to determine what your specific needs are.

Will A 3000 watt generator can run a 2 HP air conditioner?

Since watts are equal to volts times amps it is hard to say if a 2000 watt generator will be enough. If you know the amperage of the A/C then using the formula Amps = Watts/ Volts. 2000/110 = 18 amps. If the A/C draws more that 18 amps then a 2000 watt generator will not be large enough. To find the generator size you will need, just use the same formula and try different generator wattages until you find one that is about 5 amps higher than the A/C amps.

What causes a 2006 BMW 325i door lock problem?

I had this problem with my car (the day after I bought it). There is a special fuse that they need to install in the fuse box that won't blow. The dealer should do it for you for free if you take it to them. In the meantime, you can change the fuse with the same amperage one that is there and they should work for a short time until they blow again. It gets to be a pain. If you change the fuse for a higher amperage fuse, the motor in the door lock will blow on one side.

Is it possible to connect a generator of 100MW in parallel to that of 50MW?

yes it is just hook it up and go you will need to check your calcs as you will increase your amperage. while not often done I have done this before.

How fuses are rated?

Fuses are rated by amperage (current) and voltage. The larger the current need, the larger the rating of the fuse, to handle the current. The voltage rating of a fuse defines the maximum value of circuit voltage in which the fuse can be safely used. A fuse should not be used in a circuit with a voltage exceeding the voltage rating of the fuse.

I'm instaling headrest TVs and i need to find a 12 Volt wire coming from the fuse box. But everything is in Amps. How do i find it?

All the wires coming out of the fuse box of your car are 12 volt. You need to put it on a fuse that has at least the minimum amperage that your TV calls for. I'm going to guess it will need at least 10 amps.

How do you measure amperage across fuse?

Technically, you don't measure amperage ACROSS a fuse, you measure current THROUGH a fuse, and the units of measure are amperage. If you want to measure the current though a fuse on a single device, say a TV, or computer, you can use a multi-meter. You will need to 'redirect' all the current so it goes through the multi-meter. ie: ----|fuse|---|device|--- would be rewired to be: ----|fuse|-----|black probe|---|multi-meter|---|red probe|-----|device|------ If you want to measure the current through a larger fuse, like the main fuse in your house, you'll need a current clamp. This is a clamp that you can put on ONE of the incoming power wires. It measures the magnetic field generated by the current. This is the much easier way since you don't have to do any re-wiring to redirect the current, but costs more money. ----|fuse|---@@---|device|--- [the @@ is the current clamp, note that it doesn't matter where the current clamp is placed, so long as it's only around ONE wire] Whatever you do, be careful, electricity is dangerous.

Mercedes-Benz 240d motor noise?

bearings are going. Need to oil them. SOon you will blowing fuses because the excess drag in amperage will exceed the 8 amp fuse and blow it

What is the size breaker per phase 200kva generator?

if you have 200 kva so it's 160 KW then ,you need 400 A MCCB and setting at 0.9 and use cable 4c.185 mm2 if the SMDB is nearby and all this will be change according to the ambient temperature and the electrical code used in your area

What appliances will a 5000 watt generator run?

A 5000 watt generator can typically run a refrigerator, a sump pump, lights, a television, and a few small appliances simultaneously. It may struggle with high-power items like air conditioners or electric heaters. It's always best to check the power requirements of your specific appliances before running them on a generator.

Where is the fuse for the radiator on fuse panel on dodge caravan 1993?

I'm assuming the fuse you are referring to is for the electric fan, if so, in the engine compartment, you will have a black box, with the relay fuse's listed on top of it, pop the cover make sure you are removing the fuse you need and the engine is off. Also when you look at the fuse panel inside the van if you have the fuse panel cover, it should (but not always) have a listing for each fuse and it's amperage rating. Hope this helps.

On my 2004 Mustang my back power window quit working. Could it be a fuse or does a circuit breaker need to be reset. If so how. My manual says the fuse is 43. I do not have a fuse 43. Help?

It is not the fuse that is numbered 43 it is the socket number that the fuse sets in. It should also say what amperage the fuse is. The numbers on the tops of the fuses are the amp sizes. Is there a layout on the back side of the fuse cover? If so then find the fuse and replace or check it. Hope this helps.