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The codes are local and may be different in each jurisdiction. Check with the local fire inspector. At any rate I recommend both, especially if you have a gas fired heating stove or fireplace for the CO2 detector. I have combined detectors everywhere. The other question is if local code requires a hard wired detector with battery backup.

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Q: What are smoke and CO2 detector code requirements?
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1 kWh equals pounds of CO2?

zero lbs

What is amplify?

Amplified warming involves increased heating and production of CO2 caused by heat that is abnormally high in the atmosphere. There are many more greenhouse gases being released causing additional warmth to Earth and the atmosphere.

What fire extinguisher do you use on a electrical fire?

Water is good as it will cut off oxygen and cool the heat source. Powder and foam will smother to cut off oxygen. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) will cut off oxygen but blast of gas may spread ther fire by blowing light material such as paper causing it to set fire to other things. Don't use water on oil, or a chip pan fire.

What is the need to conserve electricity?

we whant to conserve electricity because of how it is made especialy if its made by coal wich is slowly killing you! we whant to conserve electricity because of how it is made especialy if its made by coal wich is slowly killing you!

Design of enzyme electrode and their application?

THIS IS AN OVERVIEW OF ENZYME ELECTRODE:-An enzyme electrode is the union of an enzyme, that biologic catalyst which acts sensitively and specifically with almost all organic and inorganic compounds in nature, with anelectronic sensor (an ion-selective electrode). The result isan electrode that is useful for the assay of organic and inorganic compounds, in a manner as simple as a pH measurement with a glass electrode.The principle of the enzyme electrode is simple: an enzyme is used which reacts with the compound to be assayedeither specifically or selectively. This enzyme, in an immobilized or insolubilized form, is placed onto a conventional ionselective electrode which measures either the decrease of oneof the reactants (i.e., O2 in the oxidation of uric acid or glucose) or a product (i.e., CO2 from an amino acid). The substance to be assayed diffuses into the layer of the enzyme inthe electrode, producing or consuming an electroactive substance; this is sensed by the base electrode. The potential orcurrent produced is a function of the concentration of thesubstance assayed.commercially available (or homemade) electrodeshave been used and can be used in construction of enzymeelectrodes: (1) glass electrodes-H+and monovalent cation;(2) gas-NH3, CO2)and O2; (3) solid and "solid" liquidmembrane electrodes-NH4, S~, CN~, and I"; and (4) Ptelectrodes.Two basic techniques may be used in assay with enzymeelectrodes, kinetic and equilibrium. In the kinetic method,the rate of change in the potential or current at the electrodeis measured, with the first 10-30 sec of response. Thischange, AE or Ai/At, is then related to the content of substance to be assayed. In the equilibrium method, the steadystate current or potential, i or E, is measured and related tothe concentration. This relationship is logarithmic in thecase of potential (E) and linear in the case of current (i). Therate method is faster and eliminates the possibility of errordue to side reactions that may consume the electroactivesubstance.Ans By-MUSHARRAF ALICET-IILM-AHLGr. Noida

Related questions

What is smoke density?

measures how many (usually) parts per million (ppm) of whatever smoke/gas/etc is being looked for. For instance a smoke detector looks for X ppm of smoke in air, or a CO2 sensor measures the ppm of CO2 in air - ppm is a measure of density.

What is smoke density analyser?

measures how many (usually) parts per million (ppm) of whatever smoke/gas/etc is being looked for. For instance a smoke detector looks for X ppm of smoke in air, or a CO2 sensor measures the ppm of CO2 in air - ppm is a measure of density.

How do you stop a fire alarm when it starts beeping and there is no smoke?

You can stop a smoke/fire alarm beeping by removing the battery. But, get another or fix the one you have and put it back quickly as it can save your life. If it's also a CO2 detector you will see no smoke and smell nothing but CO2 is lethal if you continue breathing it.

How do you find stowaways in trucks with a CO2 detector?

People and animals exhale CO2 , so a detector will alert to their breath.

What is the name of the smoke that comes out of factories?

Most of what you might call smoke coming from factories in the U.S. is actually steam. The EPA's clean air requirements permit smoke from factories only in rare instances.

What type of batteries does a aktivia CO2 detector use?

An Aktivia CO2 detector will need a nine volt battery. Batteries such as these can be purchased at a variety of stores including Amazon, Walmart and eBay alongside many more.

What might you see above a heater producing carbon monoxide?

A vent fan and hopefully a CO2 detector.

What do smoke in cars produce?

Carbon Dioxide ( CO2)

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Why is smoke a matter?

Smoke is matter because smoke is also made up of atoms molecules, as you, me, and all matter. That is why smoke is matter, which is a complex compound of oxidation reduction co2 and waste gases.

What element does smoke contains that cause golbalwarming?

Generally CO2, carbon dioxide.

Is CO2 gas in smoke?

Yes, along with water gas and soot [and Heat].