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Q: What are the exceptions of having GFCI protection?
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Can a circuit with a GFCI be shared at the box?

Your question is a bit vague, but let's try a two part answer. If you have a GFCI breaker in an electric panel you should only have one connection at the breaker, but the breaker will protect all devices on the circuit. If you are talking about a GFCI outlet, they are equipped to extend the GFCI protection to other non-GFCI outlets by using the proper "output" connection on the GFCI.

Is it NEC code to have a water fountain on a GFCI protection?

Yes. NEC 2005 440.21

Why and when would you use a GFCI breaker within a older home with a groun?

You need a GFCI outlet at any location that is within 6' of a water source. You also need a GFCI outlet in a room with a concrete floor, any garage, and any location outside the home or under the home in the crawl space. A GFCI outlet protects you from electrical shock near water or moisture. You can protect more than one outlet with 1 GFCI outlet. Connect the incoming power to the LINE side of the GFCI outlet and all the other outlets getting power from that outlet to the LOAD side of the GFCI outlet. That way they will all be protected by 1 GFCI. A GFCI breaker is used to protect an entire circuit and not just individual receptacles. It is often cheaper to use GFCI receptacles than a breaker, especially if "piggy-backed" such as described above. It is also more convenient to reset a GFCI receptacle than to reset a breaker. But your question is "why." From this I suspect you may be misunderstanding the difference between a breaker and GFCI protection. To keep things simple let me say that a GFCI does not work on the same principles as a standard breaker. It provides a much safer protection than a standard breaker. Even with a ground you need GFCI protection as listed above.

How do you install multiple GFCI receptacles?

A GFCI receptacle can extend its protection to regular receptacles connected to the output side of the GFCI. Each actual GFCI receptacle should be directly connected to a breaker in electric panel.

Do you need a gfci outlet if you have a gfci breaker?

Not if the GFCI breaker is supplying the circuit you are wanting to put the GFCI receptacle into.

Related questions

Can you use a GFCI plug into a GFCI outlet?

Yes you can. Lots of blow dryers have GFCI protection built in.

What is a indicator light on a gfci switch for?

An indicator light on a GFCI switch is used to visually indicate whether the switch is receiving power and whether the GFCI protection is functioning properly. This helps users quickly identify any issues with the GFCI switch without having to test it manually.

What is the purpose of a tandem GFCI breaker and how does it differ from a standard GFCI breaker in terms of electrical protection?

A tandem GFCI breaker is designed to provide ground fault protection for multiple circuits in a panel. It differs from a standard GFCI breaker by being able to protect two separate circuits instead of just one. This allows for more efficient use of space in the panel while still providing the same level of electrical protection.

Who makes a main breaker 200 amp service that has built in 200 amp gfci?

Currently, there is no manufacturer that makes a main breaker 200 amp service with built-in 200 amp ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) protection. GFCI protection is typically provided through individual GFCI outlets or circuit breakers installed within the electrical system.

Can a circuit with a GFCI be shared at the box?

Your question is a bit vague, but let's try a two part answer. If you have a GFCI breaker in an electric panel you should only have one connection at the breaker, but the breaker will protect all devices on the circuit. If you are talking about a GFCI outlet, they are equipped to extend the GFCI protection to other non-GFCI outlets by using the proper "output" connection on the GFCI.

What happens when you plug a GFCI protected extension cord into an outlet that is GFCI protected?

When a GFCI-protected extension cord is plugged into an outlet that is also GFCI protected, it provides an additional layer of protection against electric shock. Both devices work in conjunction to quickly detect any imbalance in the electrical current and trip the circuit if necessary. This redundancy helps ensure increased safety against electrical hazards.

How many elec outlets can a GFCI detect?

A GFCI can detect ground faults on the specific circuit it is connected to. If multiple outlets are on the same circuit protected by a single GFCI outlet, the GFCI can protect all of them. However, if the outlets are on different circuits or not downstream from the GFCI, they would need their own GFCI protection.

What does it mean if the Leviton GFCI has a green light?

If the Leviton GFCI has a green light, it means that the device is functioning properly and providing electrical protection against ground faults.

What is the importance of using a GFCI breaker in conjunction with a GFCI outlet for electrical safety?

Using a GFCI breaker with a GFCI outlet is important for electrical safety because it provides double protection against electric shocks. The GFCI breaker monitors the entire circuit, while the GFCI outlet monitors just that specific outlet. This combination helps prevent electrical accidents and protects people from potential harm.

How do you wire a GFCI outlet with multiple outlets?

To wire a GFCI outlet with multiple outlets, you can connect the incoming power supply to the "line" terminals on the GFCI outlet. Then, connect the additional outlets to the "load" terminals on the GFCI outlet. This will provide GFCI protection to all the outlets downstream. Make sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions and consult a professional if needed.

Is it NEC code to have a water fountain on a GFCI protection?

Yes. NEC 2005 440.21

Do dishwashers require GFCI protection?

Is the outlet located near a water source, if so, yes.