

Best Answer

In your question .2 amps is equal to 200 mA

Milliamp are dangerous

Less than 1/2 milliamp no sensation

1/2 to 2 milliamps Threshold of perception

2 to 10 milliamps muscular contraction

5 to 25 milliamps painful shock (may not be able to let go)

Over 25 milliamps Could be violent muscular contraction

50 to 100 milliamps Ventricular fibrillation

over 100 paralysis of breathing.

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Q: What effect would a current of greater than 0.2 amp have on your body?
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What happens if you touch an exposed electrical wire?

If the wire is carrying an electrical current, and if the current has enough voltage, the current can leave the wire and pass through your body. This is painful, and can causes burns or death.

What do you mean by eddy current loss?

Eddy currents are currents induced in conductors to oppose the change in flux that generated them. It is caused when a conductor is exposed to a changing magnetic field due to relative motion of the field source and conductor, or due to variations of the field with time. This can cause a circulating flow of electrons, or a current, within the body of the conductor. These circulating eddies of current create induced magnetic fields that oppose the change of the original magnetic field due to Lenz's law, causing repulsive or drag forces between the conductor and the magnet. The stronger the applied magnetic field, or the greater the electrical conductivity of the conductor, or the faster the field that the conductor is exposed to changes, then the greater the currents that are developed and the greater the opposing field.

What part of the human body has the highest resistance to electrical current?

The Skin

How the severity of an electric shock depends on the current and voltage?

he severity of injury from electrical shock depends on the amount of electrical amperage (current) and the length of time the current passes through the body For example, 1/10 of an ampere (amp) of electricity going through the body for just 2 seconds is enough to cause death.

Is it true that volts jolt but current kills?

Yes it is true that volts jolt but current kills. Current can kill you if it is high enough, and if it goes through your heart then it will most definitely kill you. Only a small amount of current is capable of killing some one. If the voltage is high enough it can send the current through your body and to your heart.

Related questions

What effect would a current of greater than 0.2 have on your body?

A current greater than 0.2 amps passing through the body can lead to involuntary muscle contractions, making it difficult to release the source of the current. This can result in electric shock and potential injury or even death from cardiac arrest. It is important to always handle electrical equipment safely to prevent such incidents.

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Question not clear.

Why D.C. current is not passed from our body?

Lightning is a DC current and it will pass through your body with devastating effect. Defibrillators use a DC current to restart/reset your heart if it has stopped or gone into fibrillation. So DC current is passed through your body.

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dorAn interaction between two or more individual compounds that produces an effect upon the body (or an organism)GREATER than either of the substances alone would have produced.

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No. Large weather systems are affected by which hemisphere they are in, but your body would have a greater effect on the drain circulation than anything else.

What body part does patellar tendonitis effect?

That would be the knee.

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The rotation of either body has no effect on a pair that are in mutual gravitational orbit. It would have effect at all.

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If the effect is available, it would be in the Poptropica Store.

What has a greater impact on gravity's strengths mass or distance?

Mass has a greater impact on the strength of gravity because gravity is directly proportional to the mass of an object. The greater the mass, the stronger the gravitational force it exerts. Distance also plays a role, as gravity weakens with increasing distance, but mass has a more significant effect.