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A #6 copper conductor with an insulation factor of 75 and 90 degrees C is rated at 65 and 75 amps respectively.

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Q: What gauge wire for 240 v 60amp to heat pump?
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What gauge wire should be used with a 60amp circuit breaker?

Use AWG # 6 wire.

You bought a rheem heat pump what gauge wire should you use for a 80amp breaker?

My heat pump was professionally wired when built in 2004. Wire is No. 4 AWG with 80 amp breaker

What is the orange wire on your fuel pump harness for a 1990 ford f150 used for Is it a power wire?

It is the ground wire for the fuel pump. The Red wire is the power wire for the pump. the dark blue is the signal wire for the gauge and the black is the ground for the gauge.

What size service underground wire for 60amp at60 feet?

# 6 copper wire.

What is BWG in heat exchangers?

BWG stands for Birmingham Wire Gauge, which is a system used to measure the thickness or diameter of wire. In the context of heat exchangers, BWG may refer to the wire gauge of the tubes or fins used in the construction of the heat exchanger. The wire gauge can affect the heat transfer efficiency and overall performance of the heat exchanger.

What gauge wire is used for electric furnace heating elements?

normally 8 gauge wire is used for electric heat furnaces.

Do gas filter have a wire that controls the gas guageOn a 1994 Dodge Ram Van?

The gas gauge is done by a blue wire on the fuel pump.

Is 8 gauge weld wire fencing stronger than 10 gauge wire?

Yes, 8 gauge wire is thicker and stronger than 10 gauge wire. The lower the gauge number, the thicker the wire is. Therefore, 8 gauge weld wire fencing would be stronger and more durable than 10 gauge wire fencing.

What type of wire runs from the pole to the heat pump outside?

power lone

How big is 6 gauge wire?

The size of the wire is stated by its gauge under American Wire Gauge. Six gauge wire is size 6 AWG.

Is 20 gauge iron wire thicker than 21 gauge?

No, the higher gauge means a thinner wire.

Why would the fuel gauge stop working after replacing the fuel pump on a 1995 Chevy Silverado?

are you sure you reconnected the wire to the gauge when you did the fuel pump? also the gauge requires a good ground to the tank. its possible you don't have a good connection. just some thoughts.