maybe 10 amperes
Depends on the wire size you are using. If the generator breaker is a 30 amp then install a 30 amp breaker.
180 at 480 Volts 3 Phase
In North America the standard sizes for breakers are 15, 20, 30, and 40 amps. The 15 amp size breaker is used in general circuit wiring. The 20 amp size breaker is used for dedicated appliance receptacles, hot water tank and baseboard heating. The 30 amp size breaker is used for a clothes dryer. The 40 amp size breaker is used for the electric range.
Usually 30 amp
maybe 10 amperes
5 amp,10 amp, 15 amp, 20 amp, 25 amp, and 30 amp.
18 gauge
there is no amp only a radio
1,000 milliamps = 1 amp 180 milliamps = 0.18 amp
Remove the two twenty amp breakers from the regular size slot and install two mini amp breakers. A mini amp breaker has two breakers per regular size slot.
For a 30 amp breaker, you will need a wire that is at least 10 gauge in size.
Would be compared to 1200 watt amp
30,60,100,200,400 and 600 amp
30,60,100,200,400 and 600 amp
The recommended wire size for a 20 amp breaker is typically 12-gauge wire.