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When discussing electricity it is common to break into two parts. There is the supply side which is where the power exists and the load side where the work gets done. In a lighting the supply side would be your house power, for example; and the load would be the bulb. In a flashlight the supply is the battery and the load is the bulb.

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Q: What is the load side?
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compensation of load by connecting a compensating device which adjust the real and reactive power in the distribution side or load side.

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Which side of a transformer is the load connected to?

It is connected to the secondary side.

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The load arm is the radius of the pulley. This is the distance from the fulcrum to the load-carrying side of the rope.

What is the load side of a transformer?

The load side of a transformer feeds the device, such as a light or motor. It is the output of the transformer. The input, or line side, provides the voltage that is to be transformed, either up or down, to supply the load side.AnswerA transformer's primary winding is connected to the supply voltage, and the secondary winding is connected to the load.

How is a Load applied to a ac generator?

The load conductor is connected to the load side of the generator breaker. Once the generator is up to speed the load breaker is closed and the voltage is then applied to the load.

What is the definition of the resistance arm?

The resistance arm is the side of the lever (from the fulcrum to the load) that carries the load.

What is the best way to carry a load when driving on a ramp?

With a forklift, carry the load on the uphill side.

What is the length from the fulcrum to the load?

The length from the fulcrum to the load is known as the load arm or effort arm. It is the distance between the fulcrum and the point where the force is applied to lift the load. This length affects the amount of force needed to lift the load.

How do trains travel on bends Are there any parts on the side that are attached?

When a train travels around a curve, there is a side load that is exerted which is carried as a side load on the wheels. However, many rail beds are prepared such that they have a slope that reduces the side load---just like a highway. This slope is so slight that it is not easily seen.

What happens when a load is applied to the beam?

when the load is applied in the beam then deflection takes place. the nature of the deflection depends on the support provided on it

Can you have two different size load wires that is unprotected on a transformers load side?

It is not a recommended practice. The secondary side of the transformer should go to a distribution panel where breakers can be used to protect the different wire sizes and load currents.