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Q: What is the normal wattage of a geyser?
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What is he average wattage a geyser uses?

2000 Watts

How many watts does a geyser use?

The wattage of a geyser can vary depending on its size and efficiency. On average, a geyser in a household may use around 1500-5000 watts when heating water. It is recommended to check the specific wattage of your geyser model for accurate information.

How much Electricity is used by geyser?

It depends on the wattage of the unit. When that is found use the formula; Amps = Watts/Volts to find your answer.

What is the normal temperature of water in a geyser?

Most geysers water temperatures are around 200 degrees f. Known geysers differ in their temperatures and are between 174 and 205 degrees. Close enough?

What is a natural hot spring that occasionally sprays water steam above the ground?

A hot spring that naturally shoots steam and boiling water is called a geyser.

Is castle geyser a geyser or a type of geyser?

Castle Geyser is a specific geyser located in Yellowstone National Park. It is a type of cone geyser, named for the cone structure that surrounds the vent where the water erupts.

What type of geyser is the Yellowstone geyser?

A Conical Geyser (or cone)

What geyser in old faithful area is the oldest geyser and how can you tell?

Castle Geyser

What type of geyser is steamboat geyser?

Steamboat Geyser is a fountain geyser, known for its powerful and tall eruptions that can reach over 300 feet in height. It is the world's tallest currently active geyser, located in the Norris Geyser Basin of Yellowstone National Park.

How much watts does a normal vaccine fridge use?

Check the nameplate on the fridge. If the wattage in not listed look for the voltage and amperage that is listed. The formula for wattage is amps times volts. This will give you the answer that you are looking for.

What geyser exploded in 1989?

Whirligig Geyser

Where can you buy a geyser tube -?

The Geyser Tube is a Diet Coke geyser that is powered by Mentos. You can buy a Geyser Tube online from science project websites.