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To answer this question the systems voltage on the bulb must be known.

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Q: What is the voltage drop on a 220 watt bulb?
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What happens when a the electrical voltage is low?

Appliances at home have designated voltage e.g. 220 V or 110 V. When the voltage is dropped, the appliances try to run at their designated power in kW as usual. To keep the power same, current is increased (P = VI). This increase in current can burn the most delicate part of the appliances if the low voltage is experienced persistently.AnswerA drop in supply voltage results in a drop in the power of appliances. For fixed-resistance devices, a 10% drop in voltage results in approx, 18% drop in power.

How many amp in 10000 watt 220 volt?

10000 watts / 220 volts = 45.4545 amperes

100w bulb and 60w bulb connected in parallel to 220v which will glow brightly?

Total supply voltage = 220vrated power of first lamp= 100 wattso current though it, I=p/vI=100/220=.45 ampsResistance offered by first lamp=220/.45= 488 ohms( i avoid fractions)..............................................................rated power of second lamp=60 wattsvoltage is same, so current through it = 60/220=.27 ampsresistance of second lamp = 220/.27=814 ohms( i avoid fractions).........................................................................power drawn by first lamp =I12 R=(.45)2 * 488 =98.82(=100)power drawn by second lamp =I22 R=(.27)2 * 814 =59(=60)...................................................................................SO 100 WATT BULB WILL GROW BRIGHTER AS IT HAS MORE POWER

When two bulbes with 25W and 100W rated at 220V are connected in series with a supply of 440V which will fuse?

The 25w bulb, since it has the much higher resistance. The resistance can be derived from:P = V^2/RR = V^2/PFor the 100w bulb:R = 220^2/100 = 484 ohmsFor the 25w bulb:R = 220^2/25 = 1936 ohmsWhen connected in series, and then connected to 440V, the voltage across the 100w bulb would be:V = 440*484/(484+1936) = 88VThis is well within spec.The voltage across the 25w bulb would be:V = 440*1936/(484+1936) = 352vThis is way over spec, and would cause the bulb to fuse.Although this answer assumes that a light bulb is a linear resistor, they are not. The resistance of a light bulb changes significantly with voltage and filiament temperature. The 25w light bulb is still the one that fuses, but the non-linearity of the resistance needs to be understood.

What is the effective voltage for a peak voltage of 311 volts?

When the peak voltage is 311, the RMS voltage is 220. (311 * square root (2))

Related questions

What will happen if instrument with 110v supply voltage give 220 v supply?

the appliance will burn out, eg if it is a 60 watt light bulb it will burn at 120 watt for as long as the fillament can take it and that wont be long

Why a bulb of 60 watt glow in 220 volt of ac?

the 220 volt bulp in 220 volt ac current

How much electricity is really used when one 220 voltage 150 watts bulb being plugged in 110 volts supply?

The current through a 220 volt 150 watt bulb is I = W/E = .68 amps. The resistance of that bulb is R = E/I = 324 ohms. The wattage used by the 220 volt bulb when 110 volts is applied W = E(sqd)/R = 37 watts. Half the voltage with the same resistance will quarter the wattage output.

What does the reading 100W-220V on an electric bulb indicate?

The reading "100W-220V" on an electric bulb indicates that it is a 100-watt bulb designed to be used with a voltage of 220 volts. This information helps ensure that the bulb is used with the correct power supply to operate efficiently and safely.

The problems of electricity two light bulbs of 100 watt and one 60 watt both operation in a 220V circuit. Which bulb has the higher resistance and which bulb carries the greater current?

A 100 watt 220 volt light bulb (or anything consuming 100 watts on 220 volts) draws 100/220, or .45 Amps. It will also have about 220²/100, or 484 ohms resistance. A 60 watt 220 volt light bulb (or anything consuming 60 watts on 220 volts) draws 60/220, or .27 Amps. It will also have about 220²/60, or 807 ohms resistance.

Can you use a 120 volt - 500 watt bulb in a 220 volt lamp?

no , it will burn out

Can you use 220 volt light bulb on 120 volt system - I know the reverse would probably blow the bulb so wouldn't European 220 Volt do ok in 120 volt socket or would it be dimmer than it normally would?

Yes a 220 volt light bulb will run on a 120 volt circuit but at 1/4 of the wattage that the light bulb is rated at. A 100 watt light bulb on 220 would would be equal to a 25 watt light bult on 120 volt system.

What is brighter 60 Watt 110 volt or 60 Watt 220 volt?

If the voltage supplied to the lamps is its operating voltage both lamps will have relatively the same output in brightness. If the 60 watt 110 volt lamp is used on a 220 volt supply, it will glow very brightly and then the lamp's filament will burn open. If the 60 watt 220 volt lamp is used on a 110 volt supply, the lamp will glow at half brightness, but it will last for a very long time before the filament burns open.

Is current and power same?

Not at all : Power = Voltage x Current Example : 220 V x 5 A = 1100 Watt

Can a 220 circuit breaker run a 120 light bulb?

No, a 220 circuit breaker is designed to handle higher voltages than a 120 light bulb requires. Using a 220 circuit breaker for a 120 light bulb can result in damage to the light bulb or a potential safety hazard. It is better to use the appropriate circuit breaker for the specific voltage requirements of the light bulb.

Is it better to run a 220 watt or a 110 watt?

It ultimately depends on your specific needs and equipment. A 220 watt system may provide more power and capacity, but it may also be more expensive and require a higher voltage input. A 110 watt system may be more cost-effective and easier to integrate into existing setups.

The voltage for 4 bulbs in a circuit?

The circuit voltage or the resistance of the individual bulb is needed to answer this question. Divide the total power (400 W) by the supply voltage.