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The breaker protects the wiring not the boiler. 12,000 watts at 240 volts will require 50 amps. So, you will need a 60 amp breaker using AWG# 6 wire on a dedicated circuit.

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Q: What size amp circuit breaker would protect a 12kW boiler?
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How do circuit breaker keep the wires in a electrical circuit from overheating?

A circuit breaker is designed to 'break' in a circuit if a short circuit (or other malfunction) occurs. This prevents overheating (or burn-out) of the circuit wires. In older systems, you would need to find which fuse wire has fused and replace it. In a circuit breaker, once the fault has been found and corrected, the breaker is simply switched back on.

What is a 30 amp circuit breaker used for?

A 30 amp circuit breaker is needed unless the load is a motor circuit, then it has to be sized to 250 percent of the motors full load amps. For 30A circuit is needed breaker 30*1.25=37.5 --> 40A. If load is lamp or heater, then use breaker of group A or B. If load is motor, then use breaker of groupC or D (very hard start) or special safe breaker for motor - with variable amp setpoint. See related link also. By code you are only allowed 80% of the rating of a breaker. So 30x80%=24amps. 24 amps is the MAX allowed on a 30 amp breaker. You would need a 40amp breaker for a 30 amp circuit. 40x80%=32. So you would want a double pole 40amp breaker.

What actions would you take if you find a circuit breaker is stuck?

Replace it immediatly, the breaker is no longer within code.

For circuit breaker what does it mean by AF AT?

AF refers to the ampere rating of the breaker frame and AT refers to the breaker trip rating in amps. These are not breakers that you would find in your home but industrial molded case breakers. The current trips can be changed out to different values all within the same frame size.


Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker(ELCB) was given to a device that breaks the power supply when a fixed amount of current ,say 25-40 milli amperes flow through the earth line. The MCB (Miniature Circuit Breaker) is a device designed to protect a circuit's wiring from the serious damage which would be caused if it has to carry a current which is too high for the diameter of the its wire

Related questions

How does circuit breaker or fuse protect the house from fire?

The fuse is matched to the size wire in the circuit the breaker/fuse it is protecting. For instance, a 20 amp breaker/fuse is used in combination with AWG 12/2 wire. A 15 amp breaker/fuse would be used with AWG 14/2 wire. If there is too much current flow in the circuit caused by either overloading the circuit or by a short in the wires the wiring would overheat and catch fire if not for the breaker/fuse. The breaker/fuse is designed to detect this and to trip or blow and shut off all power flowing to that circuit and prevent a fire. This is why you should never install the wrong size fuse. Put a 20 amp fuse on a 15 amp circuit and it would not protect the circuit as it should.

What property would you be testing for if you are using a circuit breaker?

A circuit breaker is not a test instrument, it is a kind of switch that interrupts the supply when that is needed, but it is more than that because circuit breakers are specialised items, and examples exist that can interrupt currents of hundreds or thousands of amps at very high voltage.

What would cause a circuit breaker heating element to trip off?

There are two conditions that would cause a breaker to trip off. One is an overload of the circuit and the other is a short circuit on the circuit. The heating element within the breaker is what monitors for circuit overloads.

What would cause a circuit breaker to trip?

A circuit breaker trips when there is an overload of electrical current flowing through the circuit, a short circuit, or a ground fault. This causes the circuit breaker to automatically shut off to prevent damage or fire.

What would happenif you put an 8 amp circuit-breaker in a power circuit?

If you put an 8 amp circuit-breaker in a power circuit that draws more than 8 amps, the circuit-breaker would trip or disconnect the circuit to prevent overheating and potential fire hazards. It is important to always use the correct amperage rating for circuit-breakers to ensure safe operation of electrical circuits.

How would you connect solar panels to a circuit breaker?

To connect solar panels to a circuit breaker, you would typically connect the output of the solar panels to a solar charge controller which then connects to the circuit breaker. The circuit breaker acts as a disconnect switch to isolate the solar panels from the rest of the system for safety and maintenance purposes. It is important to follow all electrical codes and regulations when connecting solar panels to a circuit breaker.

What one is better fuse or circuit breaker?

IMO it would be because the circuit breaker has the possibility of going bad and not working (allowing a short to move through the device), but fuses blow (cause a break) no matter what if shorted.

How do circuit breaker keep the wires in a electrical circuit from overheating?

A circuit breaker is designed to 'break' in a circuit if a short circuit (or other malfunction) occurs. This prevents overheating (or burn-out) of the circuit wires. In older systems, you would need to find which fuse wire has fused and replace it. In a circuit breaker, once the fault has been found and corrected, the breaker is simply switched back on.

What would cause a circuit breaker to keep tripping?

A circuit breaker may keep tripping due to overloading, short circuits, or faulty wiring.

What if your circuit breaker started tripping with no change of things plugged into an outlet Does this mean the circuit breaker needs to be replaced?

Circuit breakers can degrade over time but it would be better to get a competant electrician to do it. It might also mean you have too many things plugged into one outlet. Sometimes one circuit breaker may protect several outlets so it might be tripping because of a change in another outlet. ELECTRICTY IS DANGEROUS!!!! Don't do it yourself.

What is a 30 amp circuit breaker used for?

A 30 amp circuit breaker is needed unless the load is a motor circuit, then it has to be sized to 250 percent of the motors full load amps. For 30A circuit is needed breaker 30*1.25=37.5 --> 40A. If load is lamp or heater, then use breaker of group A or B. If load is motor, then use breaker of groupC or D (very hard start) or special safe breaker for motor - with variable amp setpoint. See related link also. By code you are only allowed 80% of the rating of a breaker. So 30x80%=24amps. 24 amps is the MAX allowed on a 30 amp breaker. You would need a 40amp breaker for a 30 amp circuit. 40x80%=32. So you would want a double pole 40amp breaker.

A 32A breaker was controlling a lighting circuit but is now on a 6A breaker which is now buzzing what should you do?

Answer for countries in Europe and other world areas running a 50 Hz supply service.Depending on the load of your lighting circuit. I would measure the current with an inductive amp meter. once you know the current required for your lighting circuit, you then install a circuit breaker which is 15% higher than your load. eg, load is 10A. 10A load + 15 % = 12A breaker (15 A is ok as the breaker is used to protect the wiring and should be rated in consequence of your wiring by 25% less or its current rating, or less, not the load)The humming of your lighting circuit breaker indicates that your breaker is either faulty, or having a difficult time keeping a closed circuit. Or simply that the manufacturer produced a breaker that hums by nature of its construction.