Over the short distance of 25 feet no voltage drop calculations are needed to be made. A #10 copper conductor with an insulation rating of 60, 75 or 90 degrees C is rated at 30 amps respectively. 30 x 80% = 24 amps. If the load is under 24 amps then this size is the one to use. If the load current is greater than 24 amps then use a conductor one size larger. That would be a #8 which is rated at 45 amps x 80% for maximum wire loading = 36 amps.
Depends on the wire size you are using. If the generator breaker is a 30 amp then install a 30 amp breaker.
#10 wire is used on a 30 amp service.
What size is the wire? AWG 10, 600V is rated for 30 amps. Any AWG less than 6 would also be ok for a 30 amp circuit....
A 30 amp breaker run 75 feet would require you use AWG #10 wire. But, an oven normally pulls more that 30 amps and I would not use #10 wire on a 30 amp breaker for an oven. Normally any newer oven is wired with AWG #6 gauge wire on a 50 amp circuit breaker so the breaker will not trip during heavy use of the oven. Some older ovens could use a #8 wire on a 40 amp breaker.
You never, ever mix wire sizes within a circuit. However you can wire a 30 amp circuit using AWG # 8/3 wire, although that is overkill and AWG #10 wire is what you would normally use on a 30 amp circuit.
The recommended wire size for a 30 amp circuit is typically 10 gauge wire.
The recommended wire size for a 30 amp breaker is typically 10 gauge wire.
The appropriate wire size for a 30 amp breaker is typically 10 gauge wire.
The appropriate wire size for a 30 amp circuit is typically 10 gauge wire.
For a 30 amp breaker, you will need a wire that is at least 10 gauge in size.
The recommended wire size for a 220v 30 amp circuit is typically 10 gauge wire.
The recommended wire size for a 240V 30 amp circuit is typically 10 gauge wire.
The recommended wire size for a 30 amp RV plug is typically 10 gauge wire.
The recommended wire size for a 30 amp dryer circuit is typically 10 gauge wire.
The recommended wire size for a 30 amp 240v circuit is typically 10 gauge wire.
The appropriate wire size for a 220v 30 amp circuit is typically 10 gauge wire.
The appropriate wire size for a 240V 30 amp circuit is typically 10 gauge wire.