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I think it is due to the resistance to the electrical appliance, the resistance offered by the electrical appliance works as a load in the circuit and when load is removed it causes sparking.

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Q: When you pull out the plug connected to an electrical appliance you often observe a spark to which property of the appliance is this related?
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1 What are the specific safety practices and procedures that you need to observe when wiring and testing electrical equipment?

Make sure the power source is turned off and locked out. Other than that, it's precautions for lifting, working at height (on poles and towers). Make sure all tests and inspections are done and the work signed off. Schedule periodic inspections and tests as required by law and by the power company and by the owner of the equipment.

Is it possible to observe the terminals of diode by observation?

yes, it is possible to observe the terminals of diode by observation. anode has black in color & kathode is colored with white.. white ring side is kathode..

What is the use of the oscilloscope?

If you use a voltmeter to observe a voltage, it can only respond slowly, so if you want to observe a voltage that changes in fractions of a microsecond, you need a voltmeter that can respond at such speeds. It is called an oscilloscope.

What are the specific practices and procedures that i need to observe when assembling and testing electronic circuits?

Uzair Natha Rulezz

How do you test a transistor using cathode ray oscilloscope?

Yeah...its possible to test the transistor using Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (CRO). CRO provides a function called "Component Testing". Just connect the transistor terminals between two pins provided by this function and you can observe the patterns on the CRO screen. Normally, in case of transistor, The operation is divided in few parts. 01. Observe the pattern for CB configuration. ---- For this, connect the terminalsfrom CRO between this Collector and Base terminals and you can observe the pattern shown by CRO. Same procedure should continue for CE & BE configuration so as to test the transistor.

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When one observes the phase of matter of water what property of matter does one observe?

At room temperature water is a liquid. You can observe (or measure) density, viscosity, thermal conductivity, electrical resistivity, refractive index etc.

What are televisions for?

A television set is an appliance. The electronics it contains makes it possible for the appliance to display moving pictures and sound. Every television set is configured differently, based on its intended use.You can use a television set to play movies -- given the appropriate input device and movie 'software'.You can also use television to connect to external sources for moving pictures and sound, such as cable feeds, or satellite dish feeds.In these uses, the television appliance is a one-way device, meaning that you observe the appliance passively.When the television appliance is connected to a gaming system, it's possible that you can 'interact' with the television appliance.

Must a new substance be formed when you observe a chemical property?

Yes , it should or else it is a physical property

Must new substances be formed when observe a chemical property?

Yes. If you observe a chemical property, the substance will be undergoing a chemical change, which by definition produces a new substance.

Must new substances form when you observe a chemical property?

Yes. If you observe a chemical property, the substance will be undergoing a chemical change, which by definition produces a new substance.

Must new substances be formed when you observe chemical property?

Yes. If you observe a chemical property, the substance will be undergoing a chemical change, which by definition produces a new substance.

Does new substance's be formed when you observe a chemical property?


What is the difference between chemical property and physical property?

The way I remember the difference, is: a physical property is a property that you can observe without changing it (or observe without a chemical reaction). So properties like melting point, boiling point, density, color, hardness are all physical properties. A property like 'reacts with water' could only be observed by performing the reaction to observe the change.

What is the differs between physical property and chemical property?

The way I remember the difference, is: a physical property is a property that you can observe without changing it (or observe without a chemical reaction). So properties like melting point, boiling point, density, color, hardness are all physical properties. A property like 'reacts with water' could only be observed by performing the reaction to observe the change.

Is it a physical change or a physical property that you observe when you observe the crushing of copper sulfate?

its a physical change call me at 9529753952

How can you use your senses to observe one property of matter?

you cant