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Fluorescent lights use far less energy than any of the others listed.

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Q: Which kind a light bulb uses the least amount of energy a fluorescent lamp a halogen lamp a incandescent lamp or a heating lamp?
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What is the difference between a 100watt and a 75 watt bulb?

The amount of light produced and the amount of power consumed. A watt is a unit of power and electrical power is determined using the formula: P = I2*R , Where P is power, I is amps and R is resistance. But using Ohm's law ( V = I * R) the following can be obtained: P = V2/R , Where V is voltage. In US house holds the standard voltage is ~120V, changing the resistance of the filament of the light bulb will change the amount of power consumed and therefore the amount of light produced. The higher the wattage the lower the resistance of the filament. Filaments are used in standard incandescent light bulbs and not in fluorescent tubes or LED fixtures.

How many lumens to equal a watt?

Incandescent bulbs: 10 lumens per watt Halogens: 13 lumens per watt CFLs: 50 lumens per watt A useful bulb to light a small room is 600 lumens, so that would need a 60-watt incandescent, or a 45-watt halogen, or a 12-watt CFL energy-saving bulb. The best CFL bulbs are the spiral ones.

How many lumens in a 40 watt hallogen?

That will vary on the manufacture and quality of the bulb. There is no set amount of lumens for a 40 watt halogen or any kind of bulb for that matter. To find out the lumen output you need to look at the box it came in as it should be stated. If you don't have the box it may be tricky to find out. You will have to see if you can find the manufacture somewhere on the bulb then google it and check the specs. It's probably safe to say its going to be around 500 lumens on average.

Which is the most correct definition of current. A the measure of electrical pressure B the amount of electricity used in a heater C the electricity used in heating a kilo of water D the pres?

A. The measure ofelectricalpressure.

Why we use resistance?

the resitance would be used to reduce a voltage amplitude to a level suitable to be used in an application, to limit the amount of current flowing within the circuit , or in some cases the resistor could be used as a heating - effect.

Related questions

Do incandescent and fluorescent bulbs produce the same amount of heat?

No, incandescent bulbs produce more heat than fluorescent bulbs. Incandescent bulbs generate light by heating a filament, which also emits heat. Fluorescent bulbs produce less heat because they use electricity to excite gas inside the bulb, which then emits light.

Which save more energy incandescent light bulbs or fluorescent?

Fluorescent light bulbs use less electricity for the amount of light produced.

Will a fluorescent light bulb burn brighter than an incandescent one?

Fluorescent light bulbs are typically more energy-efficient and produce more light for the same amount of power compared to incandescent bulbs. So, a fluorescent light bulb may appear brighter than an incandescent bulb with the same power rating.

Fluorescent light more energy efficient than incandescent light?

Yes, fluorescent lights are more energy-efficient than incandescent lights. Fluorescent lights use 25-35% of the energy that incandescent lights use to produce the same amount of light, making them more cost-effective and environmentally friendly.

Can halogen bulbs be used as replacements for 65W incandescent bulbs when needed to summon help scents in an emergency flasher circuit?

The halogen bulb needs 30% less power for the same amount of light, so a 45 w halogen replaces a 65 w normal incandescent.

How efficient is a fluorescent bulb that emits the same amount of light as a 100w incandescent bulb?

It is about 5 times more efficient than the incandescent bulb, in other words for the same light a fluorescent uses one fifth the electric power.

What is the deference between incandescent and fluorescent lights?

An incandescent light uses electric current passing through a wire with a high resistance to current flow. That makes the wire very hot and it glows, producing the light. A fluorescent light uses electricity to charge a gas in a tube. The charged gas glows, producing the light. For the same amount of light, more electricity is needed in an incandescent light than in a fluorescent light, but developing and building fluorescent lights required more advanced technology than did incandescent lights.

One office building contains only incandescent lights The building next door contains only fluorescent lights Predict which building has higher energy bills Explain your answer?

The building with incandescent lights will likely have higher energy bills because incandescent lights are less energy-efficient than fluorescent lights. Fluorescent lights use less energy to produce the same amount of light, making them more cost-effective in the long run.

What is the difference between incandescent bulbs and fluorescent bulbs Why change?

Incandescent bulbs produce light by heating a filament until it glows, while fluorescent bulbs produce light by passing an electric current through mercury vapor to create ultraviolet light, which then excites a phosphor coating on the bulb to produce visible light. Fluorescent bulbs are more energy-efficient and have a longer lifespan than incandescent bulbs, which is why many are switching to them for cost savings and environmental reasons.

Which bulb lasts longer an incandescent light bulb or a compact fluorescent light bulb?

A compact fluorescent light bulb typically lasts longer than an incandescent light bulb. Compact fluorescent bulbs can last up to 10 times longer than incandescent bulbs due to their more efficient design and reduced heat production.

Why cfl is widely used nowadays?

Compact fluorescent bulbs are widely used because they use one fifth of the electric power to provide the same amount of light as an incandescent bulb. Incandescent: 12 lumens per watt Halogen: 15 lumens per watt CFL: 50-60 lumens per watt LED: 100 lumens per watt High-pressure sodium: 200 lumens per watt

Is a halogen lamp a type of incandescent lamp?

Yes, a halogen lamp is a type of incandescent lamp. It operates on the same principle of using a tungsten filament that is heated until it glows to produce light. The main difference is that halogen lamps contain a small amount of halogen gas, which allows the filament to last longer by redepositing evaporated tungsten back onto the filament.