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If there is nothing between the two leads of the meter then there is nothing "droping" the voltage.. the meter simply reads the difference in voltage between the two leads. Put the black lead to ground and the red where you want to determine voltage.. this will tell you how many volts are at that point.

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Q: Why the volt meter connected in series will not show any reading?
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How do you determine the anode and a cathode of a diode by multimeter?

A: ascertain the polarity of the ohmmeter leads as + - potential available then set the scale to kilo ohms and see if the reading is hi [ is the + lead is + then that imply that the diode is + to the cathode] therefore is not conducting. reverse the diode and the reading should be low implying anode is positive and the diode is conducting

Why is it that when you touch the neutral in a box that is not connect to the panel cause the test light to come when touching the power wire?

It shouldn't. The open end of a non connected neutral should have the same potential as the voltage feeding the circuit. The only time a voltage will show is when the return neutral is tested with a meter to the neutral bar or the ground return bar. It will then show what the supply voltage to the connected load is. Once this neutral is connected to the neutral bar there will be no voltage shown across the test meter between the neutral and the neutral bar or the ground bar.

How do you know if your ground wire is connected?

Measure the ground resistance from the user end point, where earth or ground cable is connected. It will show a very high resistance or open if ground is broken.

Physics numerical four capacitors each of 2micro farad are connected in such a way that the total capacitance is also 2 micro farad show what combination gives this value?

In order to connect four 2 microfarad capacitors such that the total capacitance is still 2 microfarads, connect two pairs of capacitors in series, and then connect the pairs in parallel. It does not matter, since all four capacitors are equal in value, if the center point is connected together or not.

How do you check a relay coil?

Put an ohm meter across the coil and read the resistance. Usually they are quite high depending on the voltage and the size. If you can compare with an known good one then you can know what to expect give or take say 15%. If there is no reading it is open circuited and if it is very low then it has a short within it. Some times the smell will show a short.

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What is it that shows whether or not a current flows?

An amp meter connected in series with the load will show whether or not a current is flowing in a circuit.

What will happen if we use current transformer of different rating for each phase in three phase supply?

A current transformer has to have the same ratio as the meter that it drives. Full scale deflection on the meter is 5 amps which equals the maximum allowed current on the phase that it is reading. A different ratio on the CT to meter would show an erroneous reading on the meter depending on the ratio of the connected CT. To keep costs down the meter is common to all three phases and is read by connecting the meter to the phase CT through a three position switch.

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· to show the effect on a bulb if a resistance is connected in series with it in the circuit.

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the bulb will glow and ammeter will show the reading

What is the ohmmeter reading for open circuit?

The capacitor has no resistance which your direct current ohm meter can show.

What is wrong with your single phase electricity meter if it does not show any numbers in the meter reading panel?

One of the conditions that would cause this is that there is no supply voltage to the top of the meter. Another problem could be, the neutral tickler wire has become disconnected.

When a voltmeter is connected to a resistor what will it read?

If you place an OHM meter across a resistor, it will read resistance. An OHM meter set to read voltage will read any voltage present. So, if you pick up a resistor, connect it to a volt meter, in theory, no voltage will be present. Unless you're feeding some sort of electricity through it. I'm certainly not an electrical engineer, I do however use a volt/ohm meter occasionally. A volt/ohm meter is a dual/multi purpose piece of equipment.

How do you determine the anode and a cathode of a diode by multimeter?

A: ascertain the polarity of the ohmmeter leads as + - potential available then set the scale to kilo ohms and see if the reading is hi [ is the + lead is + then that imply that the diode is + to the cathode] therefore is not conducting. reverse the diode and the reading should be low implying anode is positive and the diode is conducting

If the coolant fan connector is disconnected from the fan motor will it show a voltage when a volt meter is connected across the connector and the AC is on?

Yes, it should show 12 volts DC. If not suspect the relay is bad.

What happened to the resistance measurements if you hold the test leads tighter?

If you hold the test leads of an ohm meter together the resistance should go to zero ohms or very close. If it doesn't you're ohm meter is malfunctioning. ANSWER: Actually that is the first thing to do. It should show a zero reading If not the meter needs calibration adjustment. Otherwise the reading will be off by the that amount as true value.

What could a vampire in a mioror be?

depends on the book... if you are reading the twilight series, nothing will happen, they will show up if you are watching Wizards of Waverly Place on Disney channel, they will not show up

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No The Lego Ninjago Movie is not connected to the show.