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Line loss, or heating of the wires. The insulators prevent the loss of energy.

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Q: Wires that do not have insulators there energy gets lost into the surroundings as?
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What is a welder that gets its energy directly from a utility power plant?

a welder that gets its energy directly from a utility power plant is

What causes choke in a fluorescent tube light to burn?

There is a coil which converts ac/ to d/c in some models. Sometimes the insulation fails and the wires gets shorted. The wires are covered with a very thin layer of shellac to reduce the size of the ballast and increase inductance.

What does C FAN HERM mean on a capacitor?

The old capacitor was very swollen and looked like a soda can that had been repeatedly shaken up. Be sure to write down which wires go to what terminal on your capacitor before removing the old one or just take a few pictures. For home air conditioning systems that use dual run capacitors they will have 3 terminals. The terminal labeled "HERM" is for the yellow wire that goes to the "Hermetically Sealed" compressor. The "FAN" terminal gets connected to the brown wire that goes to the condenser fan. Finally the "COM" terminal is for the purple and red wires that go to the contactor and provide power to the capacitor.

A Generator uses wires and what to create electricity?

Hey there! Great question! So, let's dive into the magical world of generators and electricity. Okay, imagine this: you've got this powerhouse of a machine called a generator. It's like the MVP of the electricity game. Now, to work its magic, a generator needs a couple of key ingredients: wires and motion. Yup, you heard me right! Wires are like the highways that carry the electricity, and motion is the spark that gets everything going. Picture this scenario from my own life: back in the day when I was a teenager, I used to help out at my uncle's farm. We had this old-school generator that we'd fire up every morning. Now, this beast wasn't powered by some fancy fuel; it ran on the good ol' sweat and muscle of our trusty farm animals. We'd hitch up the horses, and as they trotted along, they'd turn a wheel connected to the generator. That motion, combined with the wires inside, would churn out electricity to power up the whole farm. It was like witnessing pure magic! So, long story short, a generator uses wires to conduct the electricity and motion to kick-start the whole process. It's a beautiful dance of science and engineering that keeps the lights on and the world humming along. Hope that clears things up for you!

What is Power dissipation?

As power is defined as the rate of energy transfer, 'power dissipation' is a measure of the rate at which energy is dissipated, or lost, from an electrical system. When an electric current does work on a conductor, the internal energy of that conductor increases, causing its temperature to rise above the ambient (surrounding) temperature. This causes energy to dissipate away from the conductor into the surroundings, through the process of heat transfer. The rate of this heat transfer (joules per second) is termed 'power dissipation' (in watts).This is power that is converted to heat and then conducted or radiated away from the device. Electronic and electric devices can have a limit on the current they can safely handle that is not an electronic limit, but a physical one. For instance, a transistor may otherwise be able to handle a certain amount of current, but it is given a lower current rating because the die gets too hot.Dissipation is usually measured in watts, and uses the usual Ohm's law calculations for power:P = I^2 * RorP = E * IElectrical wiring in your house dissipates power, so does the speaker in your stereo, as well as motors, integrated circuits, anything that carries electrical current and has some inherent resistance (which is everything pretty much, except maybe superconductors!).Power dissipation is usually an unwanted effect, unless you are trying to build an electric heater!It is wasted power to keep the device quiescent and operational.

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What kind of energy transfer takes place when your coffee gets cold?

The transfer of heat energy takes place when your coffee gets cold. As the coffee loses heat to its surroundings, its temperature decreases, causing it to cool down.

What is the transformation of energy of flashlight?

The chemical energy stored in batteries gets transformed sets into electrical energy through the wires. This then gets transformed into light energy that you see.

When zinc gets warm what energy is released?

When zinc gets warm, thermal energy is released. This happens as the kinetic energy of the zinc atoms increases, causing them to vibrate more rapidly and emit heat energy to the surroundings.

What energy is being emitted from a flashlight?

The chemical energy stored in batteries gets transformed sets into electrical energy through the wires. This then gets transformed into light energy that you see.

What are facts about computer speakers?

the technology is used in microphones but in reverse. instead of the wires creating the sound and the cone amplifying it, the cone gets your sound and the wires turn it into electrical energy.

When the kerosene gets burnt energy is released from it where does that energy come from?

You are talking about a chemical reaction here. Which is: Kerosene + Oxygen gas ----> Carbon Dioxide + Water This is an example of an exothermic reaction. Energy is stored in chemical bonds. When heat is provided to a Kerosene. It absorbs energy and its bonds break. Since Kerosene becomes cool, its absorbs energy from the surroundings. As a consequence, the surroundings heats up.

When a gas undergoes adiabatic expansion it gets cooled due to?

the decrease in pressure causing the gas to expand and do work on its surroundings. This work requires energy, which is taken from the internal energy of the gas, leading to a decrease in temperature. This cooling effect is a result of the conservation of energy in an adiabatic process.

Is a reaction that gets hot exothermic or endothermic?

A reaction that gets hot is exothermic because it releases heat to the surroundings. This means that the products have less energy than the reactants, resulting in a negative change in enthalpy.

If the law of conservation of energy says energy can't be created or destroyed where does the kinetic energy at the particle level get transferred?

If a moving object slows down due to friction, its kinetic energy gets converted to kinetic energy of individual particles - that is, the objects involved in the friction, and the surroundings, heat up.

How electricity gets to the house?

By wires.

Is endothermic energy occurring when crystals dissolve in water and the container gets hot?

No.I know that in endothermic reactions things absorb heat or get colder. In exothermic reactions they release heat or get warmer. So, since the container gets hot I guess the energy is exothermic.

What is difference between released chemical energy and absorbed chemical energy?

When chemical energy is released, it is released to the environment in the form of heat. This heat can be felt and measured. When a reaction results in an increase in temperature, energy has been released (it gets hot), and you have an exothermic reaction. When chemical energy is absorbed, it is taken from the environment. This causes a decrease in the temperature of the surroundings. Energy has been absorbed from the environment around the reaction (it gets cold), and you have an endothermic reaction.