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Unless you do not have enough space in the service panel it is always a good idea to have each room on it's own circuit. If you want to put 2 rooms on a circuit just make sure those 2 rooms do not overload the circuit and wire it for a 20 amp circuit. Two bedrooms with 8 outlets each and 1 light each is about all you would want on the circuit. I would never put 3 rooms on the same circuit.

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Q: How many rooms are allowed on one lighting circuit?
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Many things can determin how many outlets are on one circuit. But for general lighting circuits the number is ten.

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As a general rule, a lighting circuit should be lamped only for a maximum of 80 percent of the rated branch protection. So if it is a 15-amp circuit, you could put in fixtures for up to 12 amps, including any smoke alarms (assuming code allows anything other than lighting on that branch). Each smoke detector has a power consumption figure, if not also a required amperage. Add them all up and add that to the existing lighting to see if it is still under the 80 percent maximum design load.

How many outlets online?

A total of 12 but the count has to include all boxes. Light switch boxes, lighting fixture boxes and receptacle boxes. This rule is for general wiring of rooms on a 15 amp breaker not totaling a load of more that 12 amps. If you know the exact load of a device then it should become a dedicated circuit, e.g. appliances.

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How many 15amps circuit required for a 6500va lighting load?

6500va divided by 120v is equal to 54. Then divide 54 by 15amps is equal to 3.8 (round it off, the answer is 4 circuits)

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