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Well, unless it has clotted underneath the skin it will go down in a week or so. It could be sore too. Why not have the wall removed so this doesnt happen again. It should reduce itself to nothing. if u got a bump on your head hit it even harder in the same place and it will go down immedietly no joke

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Q: If you have a bump on your head from hitting a wall how long does it take to get smaller and how much smaller can it get?
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Is it bad if a bump raises after hitting your head?

A bump is not bad. It is just an area of swelling. If it was a hard blow or you passed out at all.

How long does a head bump heal?

It shouldn't take long for a head bump to heal. If it sticks around for more than a couple of days you should see a doctor.

If you have had a bump on your head for two years will it get smaller over time and how long will it take?

Even the best FAQ Farmer with specific medical knowledge in this area will have trouble answering this question without seeing the "bump" in question. For the best answer, it may be adviseable to schedule an appointment with your doctor. Happy healing!

How can you get rid of a very visible bump on your forehead that you got from hitting a wall and you have tried putting ice on it but it's too late as you have had it for a long time?

If the bump is still visible after a long time, it's best to consult a healthcare professional to determine the best course of action. They may suggest options like cortisone injections, surgery, or other treatments depending on the cause and severity of the bump.

When will the bump on your head go away?

This depends on what caused the bump and how long it has been there. It is best to seek medical advice if it doesn't go away within a reasonable time. In most cases, the bump will go away on its own.

How long does a bump on the head last?

It depends on the size of the bump. There's no general time for a bump to go away, since that depends on a lot of factors that differ from person to person. On the other hand, if it's been there for months, I'd see a doctor as soon as possible.

How long will lump on forehead totally heal if child accidentally bump his head against the wall?

If your child hit their head that hard, you should take them to the doctor right away.

How do you make Baig's head smaller?

the #1 best surgeon that works on extraoirdinary animals and this will take long as baig's head is really big

Is bump short or long vowel?

The word "bump" has a short vowel sound.

What is a hard bump on side of head that does not hurt and has been there for a month?

Probably just a cyst. They commonly can stay for a long time, and then resolve on their own. If not, see a doctor and have it checked out.

What is a sailfish is it a mammal?

sailfish is different to marlin, marlin have a long bill and a large fin on its head and a large crescent shaped tail, sailfish are smaller and have one long fin on its head to its back.

How long does a bump stay on the head?

The amount of time that a persons head will hurt after they bump it will vary for each person. On average, it should only hurt for 30 minutes or so. If the pain is still there after an hour, seek medical help as it could be a concussion.