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We have something like this: 100n^2 < 2n <=> 50n<1 <=> n < 1/50 <=> No n at all Keep in mind that for n to be a size of a problem, it should be a positive integer. Therefore, no N

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You should really do your own homework, however, another thoughtful person has provided a link in the related section that should give you some insight on how to solve this problem.

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Q: 'What is the smallest value of n such that an algorithm whose running time is 100n2 runs faster than an algorithm whose running time is 2n on the same machine'?
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Which algorithm is more efficient- insertion sort algorithm or merge sort algorithm?

On average merge sort is more efficient however insertion sort could potentially be faster. As a result it depends how close to reverse order the data is. If it is likely to be mostly sorted, insertion sort is faster, if not, merge sort is faster.

Who invented the walking machine?

baron von daris invented the walking machine in 1817. it was used to get around faster in gardens

Why was the threshing machine invented?

To help farms harvest there fields faster it was a great advanment

What is a sentence using the word enable?

my bike enables me to get faster in running from your from your friend diamond xoxoxoxo

Differentiate between polynomial algorithm and exponential algorithm?

Do you mean, "the difference between an algorithm that runs in polynomial time, and one that runs in exponential time".First a real quick review. A polynomial is any equation of the formy = cmxm + ... + c2x2 + c1x + c0 ,where ci are constantsAn exponential function is something of the formy = cxThese functions grow much faster than any polynomial function.So, if T(n) describes the runtime of an algorithm as a function of whatever (# of inputs, size of input, etc.)., and T(n) can be bound above by any polynomic function, then we say that algorithm runs in polynomial time.If it can't be bound above by a polynomial function, but can be bound above by an exponential function, we say it runs in exponential time.Note how ugly an exponential algorithm is. By adding one more input, we roughly double (or triple, whatever c is) the run-time.

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Short answer no. But in reality it depends on what the machine is and how well it is built. Know that if the correct operation of the machine depends on the motor running at the correct speed, then running a 50Hz machine on 60Hz will cause it to run at the wrong speed. The motor will turn faster. This will put a strain on the wiring and it very well may fail prematurely.

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Parallelism is running processes simultaneously to maximize resources for faster processing.Actually, that's incorrect. Parallelism in computer science is a property of an algorithm used to solve a problem. The Parallelism of an algorithm is its ability to be broken into discrete, independent parts which can be operated on separately, then recombined to obtain the answer the algorithm was supposed to provide. The greater the number of discrete parts that the algorithm can be broken into, the higher the Parallelism."Parallelism" can, however, be used to characterize the ability of a processor to work on different tasks at once, in a manner analogous to that of describing the ability of an algorithm to work on different portions of a problem simultaneously.

What is the smallest increment of time you use on a regular basis?

I think that a picosecond is the faster, or smallest.

Is the refrigerator running is an example of an idiom?

No, it is a PUN.Puns are plays on words, where you use a word or phrase which sounds like another one with a different meaning.In this case "running" - when you talk about a machine, running means working; when you talk about living things, running means moving faster than a walk.

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Fasta is faster than the Needleman-Wunsch algorithm because it uses a heuristic approach that limits the search space by focusing on high-scoring regions, while the Needleman-Wunsch algorithm performs a complete search of all possible alignments. Fasta also uses optimized data structures and indexing techniques to speed up the sequence alignment process.

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Right now the Serpent-256 algorithm is the world's most secure algorithm. AES-256 is the coding algorithm used by the US government. It is a little less secure but is faster. Neither have ever been broken.

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No If the computer runs faster then it runs faster not slower

How do you get faster to play running back?

Practice as hard as you can and you'll get faster

What is different about running and walking?

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